2022-10-27 14:58:04 来源:中国教育在线
barrier reef意思
barrier reef词组短语
great barrier reef:大堡礁;澳大利亚的大堡礁;年夜堡礁
Belize Barrier Reef:伯利兹堡礁;贝里斯堡礁;伯利兹大堡礁;里斯堡礁
the Great Barrier Reef:大堡礁;年夜堡礁
Great Barrier Reef Adventure:诺曼外堡礁之旅;外堡礁之旅;大堡礁探险巡游
Great Barrier Reef Australia:澳大利亚大堡礁
Great Barrier Reef Foundation:该报告由大堡礁基金会;大堡礁基金会
Southern Great Barrier Reef:大堡礁南部;南部大堡礁;南大堡礁
Great Barrier Reef Marine Park:大堡礁海洋公园;海洋公园
barrier reef同义词
n.coral reef
barrier reef例句
1.The great barrier reef is the world's largest network of coral structures.
2.The divers hope to restore part of Cuba's barrier reef.
3.Wow,that's amazing!So there must be good diving if you talk about barrier reefs.
4.He added,"Our dream is to repopulate again the parts of the barrier reef that have lost their corals."
5.In a year,most survive and grow enough to repopulate part of the barrier reef between 60 to 80 meters in length,he said.
6.Elsewhere,they take the shape of barrier reefs,such as those that exist along the coasts of New Caledonia and several of the Tuamotu Islands.
7.Which once complete will make it the world's largest natural wonder,albeit sort of man-made,it'll be a whole three times as large as the Australian great barrier reef.
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