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英国接受IELTS Indicator分数的学校有哪些

2022-06-17 14:41:29        来源:中国教育在线

英国接受IELTS Indicator分数的学校有哪些 IELTS Indicator目前已经被包括英国、美国、加拿大、澳大利亚、新西兰、欧洲及亚洲等国家或地区的多所学术机构认可。那么,英国具体有哪些学校呢,感兴趣的朋友和外语频道一起来看看吧

英国接受IELTS Indicator分数的学校有哪些



Aberystwyth University

Anglia Ruskin University

Architects Registration Board

Architectural Association School of Architecture

Arts University Bournemouth

Aston University

Astra School – Centred Teacher Trainingm (SCITT)

Bangor University

Bath College

BIMM Institute

Birkbeck University of London

Birkbeck, University of London – Department of Management

Birmingham City University

Birmingham City University International College (BCUIC)

Bournemouth University

British Study Centres

Brooke House College

Brunel University London

Cambridge Education Group

Canterbury Christ Church University – Postgraduate and Undergraduate Admissions

Cardiff Metropolitan University

CATS Colleges Holdings Ltd

City, University of London

City & Guilds of London Art School

Coventry University

Cranfield University


De Montfort University

Dean Close School

Edge Hill University

Edinburgh College

European School of Osteopathy

Faculty of Education University of Cambridge

Forth Valley College

General Medical Council

Glasgow Caledonian University

Glion Institute of Higher Education UK

Glyndwr University

Gower College Swansea

Guildhall School of Music and Drama

Harper Adams University

Hartpury University & College

Heriot-Watt University

Hertfordshire International College

Hult International Business School – Postgraduate admissions


Imperial College London

Institute of Contemporary Music Performance

International College at Robert Gordon University

International College Portsmouth

INTO University of East Anglia

INTO University Partnerships UK

Kaplan International Pathways

Keele University

Keele University – Language Centre

King’s College London – PG Admissions

King’s College London – Undergraduate Admissions

Kingston University

Leeds Arts University

Leeds Beckett University

Leeds College of Music

Leeds Trinity University

Liverpool Hope University

Liverpool John Moores University

Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine

London Brunel International College

London Business School

London Metropolitan University

London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine

London School of Theology

London South Bank University

London Studio Centre


Manchester Metropolitan University

Mander Portman Woodward

Middlesex University – Admissions Partnerships & Pre

Middlesex University – Pre-Sessional

Mill Hill School

Navitas – London Brunel International College (LBIC)

NDA Global Limited

Newbold College

Newcastle College – International Office

Northern College of Acupuncture

Northumbria University

Norwich University of the Arts

Oxford Brookes University

Projects Beyond Borders Learning Academy

QA Higher Education Ltd

Queen Margaret University

Queen Mary University of London

Queen’s University Belfast

Queen’s University Belfast – School of Biological Sciences

Ravensbourne University London

Red Kite Teacher Training

Regent College London

Regent’s University London

Richmond the American International University in London

Richmond University

Robert Gordon University

Robinson College, University of Cambridge

Rose Bruford College

Royal Academy of Music

Royal Agricultural University

Royal College of Music

Royal Conservatoire of Scotland

Royal Holloway University of London

Royal Northern College of Music


SAE Education Limited

Said Business School – Graduate Admissions

Sheffield Hallam University

SOAS (School of Oriental and African Studies)

Solent University

Sotheby’s Institute of Art

South & City College Birmingham

South Eastern Regional College

St George’s University of London

St Mary’s University

Staffordshire University

Study Group

Swansea University

Teesside University

The College Swansea University

The Glasgow School of Art

The Institute of Ismaili Studies

The London Film School

The London School of Economics and Political Science – Undergraduate Admissions

The National Modern Languages (NML) SCITT

The Open University

The Royal Central School of Speech and Drama

The Royal College of Art

The South Downs SCiTT

The Universities and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS)

The University of Law

The University of Northampton International College

The University of Sheffield

The University of the West of England

Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance


Ulster University

University Academic 92

University College Birmingham

University College London

University College London – Centre for Languages & International Education

University College of Estate Management

University for the Creative Arts

University of Bath

University of Bedfordshire

University of Birmingham

University of Bolton

University of Brighton

University of Bristol

University of Buckingham

University of Cambridge

University of Cambridge – Postgraduate Admissions

University of Chester

University of Chichester

University of Derby

University of East Anglia

University of East London

University of Essex

University of Essex Online

University of Exeter

University of Glasgow – Undergraduate Admissions

University of Gloucestershire

University of Hertfordshire

University of Huddersfield

University of Hull

University of Kent – International Recruitment

University of Leicester

University of Lincoln

University of Liverpool

University of Northampton

University of Northampton International College (UNIC)

University of Oxford – Department of Education (PGCE)

University of Portsmouth

University of Reading

University of Roehampton – Postgraduate Admissions

University of Roehampton – Undergraduate Admissions

University of Sheffield – English Language Teaching Centre

University of Southampton – Global Recruitment and Admissions

University of St Mark and St John

University of Stirling

University of Strathclyde

University of Suffolk

University of Surrey

University of Sussex – Admissions

University of Ulster – Doctoral College

University of West England Bristol

University of West London

University of West of Scotland

University of Westminster

University of Winchester

University of Wolverhampton

University of York – Admissions

York College

York St John University – International

以上就是“英国接受IELTS Indicator分数的学校有哪些”的相关内容。英国接受认可这项成绩的大学还是非常多,同学们可选择的范围也很广。但在这里小编要提醒大家,如果条件允许的话,大家最好还是报名参加线下的雅思考试!预祝同学们取得好成绩



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