您现在的位置:外语频道 > 雅思 > 雅思快讯 > 上海第二工业大学(浦东)雅思机考考点疫情防控期间入校/入场要求


2022-08-22 11:02:29        来源:中国教育在线













According to the epidemic prevention and control regulations of Shanghai and the University:

1.All personnel on site shall wear masks,hold ID cards,admission cards,and green codes with application codes,and have normal body temperature(below 37.3℃);If the examinee does not have a personal mobile phone,parents must help the examinee register the application code in advance(parents need to obtain the application code first,then add family information,and generate the application code with the examinee's name),and carefully check the local epidemic prevention policy requirements in Shanghai.Candidates who cannot provide green application codes are not allowed to enter the test site for the IELTS test.

2.All candidates must be in Shanghai within 7 days,and there is no record of living in other provinces or cities on the travel card.

3.Candidates from this city and other provinces and cities to Shanghai must complete three nucleic acid tests within three days before the test day in Shanghai.

4.On the day of the examination,the examinee will enter the examination site after scanning the site code with the nucleic acid negative report within 24 hours.

5.Due to the epidemic situation,the school does not provide lunch for the examinees(the examinees can have lunch in Baolong Square opposite the school).Except for the building where the examination room is located(the Academic Exchange Center of Building 19),candidates are not allowed to go to other places on the campus;The test delivery personnel and vehicles are not allowed to enter the test site.Do not gather at the entrance of the test site or wait for a long time.

6.Considering that you will be subject to necessary inspection,code application,temperature measurement and other epidemic prevention tests,please reserve enough time to complete the epidemic prevention process on time and successfully participate in the examination.

Shanghai Second Polytechnic University(Pudong)IELTS Test Center

October 12,2022



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