您现在的位置:外语频道 > 雅思 > 雅思口语 > 雅思口语part3:What can young and old people learn from each other? 年轻人和老年人互相能学习什么?

雅思口语part3:What can young and old people learn from each other? 年轻人和老年人互相能学习什么?

2022-05-18 16:21:19        来源:中国教育在线

雅思口语part3:What can young and old people learn from each other? 具体的内容和中国教育在线平台一起来看看吧

雅思口语part3:What can young and old people learn from each other?  年轻人和老年人互相能学习什么?

雅思口语part3:What can young and old people learn from each other? 年轻人和老年人互相能学习什么?


Well, the old are generally more knowledgeable in terms of life experience in society. So, one thing for sure is that youngsters can benefit from their rich experiences such as effective ways of dealing with the obstacles in life and work. On the other hand, this article is from Laokaoya website, old people are somewhat isolated from society after retirement, which makes it hard for them to get access to the latest information. So, they can definitely have some talks with young people who are active members of society to get regular updates on everything.


以上就是雅思口语part3:What can young and old people learn from each other? 年轻人和老年人互相能学习什么的相关内容。雅思口语拿高分有难度,考生们还需多总结练习。更多内容请继续关注中国教育在线外语频道。



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