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2022-05-31 22:30:43        来源:中国教育在线


Describe an interesting house or apartment that you visited.

You should say:

where it was;

whose home it was;

what it looked like;

and explain why you think it was interesting.



I visited a pretty interesting house last summer.It is called Chengqilou.It is located in Fujian Province.It is an earthen round building and it covers a large area.It has two main gates and two side gates.The wall is very thick and stable.The tour guide there told me that it was built in 1709 and now it is listed as a world heritage.All together it has four stories and each story has 72 rooms.The ground floor rooms are kitchens.The second floor is used to store grains.The third and forth floor rooms are living rooms and bedrooms.People who live in the earthen building are usually sharing the same surname.They choose to live together so that they can take good care of the clan and protect themselves from intruders.

I first saw the earthen building in a television program.Several celebrities took their sons and daughters there and spent a few nights.I was deeply attracted by this particular building.I found it pretty interesting.The building fully uses the scarce flat in mountainous areas.And different from common buildings which face to the same direction to the outside,the rooms in the earthen building all face to the interior and thus make up a large round building.No wonder it has attracted so many tourists.



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