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雅思口语话题及范文:Describe someone in your family who you like.

2022-06-08 17:05:59        来源:中国教育在线

雅思口语话题及范文:Describe someone in your family who you like.

雅思口语话题及范文:Describe someone in your family who you like.

Describe someone in your family who you like.

You should say:

how this person is related to you

what this person looks like

what kind of person he/she is and explain why you like this person.







Let me talk about my mother. She is short and a little plump . She used to be slim,but time and tide have put some weight on her. She has a square face and a pointed nose . For most of the time,you can see a nice smile on her face,which shows her kindness and pleasant character.

When I was a child,my mother spent much time teaching me poetry. Although I couldn't fully understand the meaning of the poems,the graceful words and rhythms raised my great interest in poetry. I benefited a lot from them in my later studies. In my eyes,my mother is a strong-willed and self-disciplined woman. She didn't receive college education,but she made full use of her leisure time,doing a lot of refresher courses. Due to her outstanding capability,she was constantly promoted in her job. Five years ago she became the Chief Manager of a big hotel. The work is extremely heavy for her and her daily schedule is always full.

I always worry about her health,but mother looks happy and energetic every day. Despite her busy schedule,she always manages some time to be with me and my father,cooking a tasty dinner,or visiting parks or museums with me.

My mother is a caring boss,a dedicated wife,and to me,a witty teacher and a great mother.







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