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雅思口语话题及范文:What kinds of thing make you laugh?

2022-06-09 11:26:07        来源:中国教育在线

雅思口语话题及范文:What kinds of thing make you laugh?

雅思口语话题及范文:What kinds of thing make you laugh?


Different people from different countries have a different sense of humour. I tend to laugh at situation humour rather than jokes. I laugh when the pompous get themselves into situations that they have created and cannot get out. I don't find it funny when innocent people are humiliated or made figures of fun.



Well, I guess there are a lot of things that make me laugh. I like to watch cartoons and talk- shows. Sometimes I read comic strips or listen to jokes. Some daily events also make me laugh as well.



I think that everyone laughs at different things and some say that every nation has a particular style of humour. Certainly the Japanese or the Germans seem to laugh at film clips showing people being humiliated. People in Britain would feel sorry for the humiliated person. In the USA people tends to laugh at one line funny remarks, whereas in Britain people laugh at funny stories or amusing situations, where nobody gets hurt.




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