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雅思口语话题及范文:Describe something you don't have now but would really like to own in the future.You should sa...

2022-06-09 16:23:01        来源:中国教育在线

雅思口语话题及范文:Describe something you don't have now but would really like to own in the future.You should sa...

雅思口语话题及范文:Describe something you don't have now but would really like to own in the future.You should sa...


Describe something you don't have now but would really like to own in the future.

You should say:

what this thing is

how long you have wanted to own it

where you first saw it

and explain why you would like to own it.








When it comes to something I really want to buy in the future, a car, an off-road car Bens G65, is the first thing that comes into my mind without any hesitation. It has separate frame construction which can make it more suitable for off-road situation.Meanwhile, a 4-wheel drive system is also necessary in order to tackle all kinds of road conditions. A diesel engine offers upmost 350 horsepower driving force with at least 6 cylinders and two turbochargers matches well with a 9-speed auto gearbox.

The minute when I received my driving license I was willing to own my own car. I have wanted it badly for over 10 years. Because of my limited budget, I bought a second hand hatchback car 5 years ago, but you know, I have never stopped dreaming of it.

I have not seen the car that I want to buy in person, but I have read many articles introducing it from some auto magazines. Nowadays, people can only buy it in EU, but the good news is that it will be exported to China maybe next year. If the price is affordable, I probably will buy it.

An off-road car like this can take people to some remote areas to enjoy some wonderful natural views that people cannot see in cities. Besides, driving to Tibet is one of my future plans and only this kind of car can guarantee my safety during the trip. I have already been saving money for this car for many years, and I can't imagine how happy I will be when I really own it.

当谈到我将来真正想买的东西时,我毫不犹豫地首先想到的是一辆汽车,一辆Bens G65越野车。它有单独的框架结构,更适合越野情况。同时,为了应对各种路况,还需要一个四轮驱动系统。柴油发动机提供最大350马力的驱动力,至少有6个气缸,两个涡轮增压器与9速自动变速箱匹配良好。






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