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雅思口语话题及范文:What sorts of food do you like eating most? Why?

2022-06-09 16:49:15        来源:中国教育在线

雅思口语话题及范文:What sorts of food do you like eating most?  Why?

雅思口语话题及范文:What sorts of food do you like eating most?  Why?


My answer must be Liao cuisine, which is popular in the northeastern part of China, just simply because it is the food that people in my hometown eat every day. Therefore, I am quite familiar with the flavour of Liao cuisine. People cook Liao food by using much salt, a little sugar and no spicy sauce. As for me, it is the kind of food that makes me feel at home.



Speaking of the sorts of food I like most, I’d like to say that fruits are my favorite. They are delicious, nutritious and healthy. Different kinds of fruits offers different kinds of nutritions as long as you enjoy them at appropriate time.




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