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雅思口语话题及范文:What kinds of home are most popular in your country? Why is this?

2022-06-09 16:55:31        来源:中国教育在线

雅思口语话题及范文:What kinds of home are most popular in your country? Why is this?

雅思口语话题及范文:What kinds of home are most popular in your country? Why is this?


The most popular home in my country must be the apartment with two bedrooms and one living room, totally around 100 square metres. It is a kind of typical accommodation that people can see everywhere in my country. From my perspective, the main reason is that generally there are three family members in a Chinese family, parents and the kid, meaning that two bedrooms are imperative. And the living room is the only place where all family members can spend time together.



I suppose it depends on where you live. In the cities I would say flats, as there are many high- rise buildings continually going up. In the countryside however, it’ s very different. Most of my family live in bungalows, some of which they built themselves. I suppose this is because of the amount of space available. Different areas will have different amounts.



Apartments. Because of the large population of China, and the fact that they all want to live on the east side of the country means that space is very limited. Apartments can hold more people because they can be built up and not out, which means that you can utilise the ground space more effectively.




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