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雅思口语话题及范文:Describe a writer you would like to meet.

2022-06-09 17:02:20        来源:中国教育在线

雅思口语话题及范文:Describe a writer you would like to meet.

雅思口语话题及范文:Describe a writer you would like to meet.


Describe a writer you would like to meet.

You should say:

who the writer is

what you know about this writer already

what you would like to find out about him/her

and explain why you would like to meet this writer.








The writer who I am really into is a popular novelist in my country, Liu Zhenyun. He is nearly 60 years old, and he has been a writer for over 40 years, and of course he has published quite many novels. Meanwhile, he also focuses on the creation of film scripts, by which he is renowned to people especially young people.

Most of his works describe stories about real life that average people can experience every day. The main characters of his books are usually grass-rooted ones and small potatoes in our society, which makes his works relatively close to people's real life. While reading his books, readers always feel as if the book is talking about stories of themselves or some of their friends or colleagues. That is why he is called one of the greatest novelists of realistic literature in China.

Having read some of his works, I became quite curious about him, especially about what he had experienced. What I mean is that life experience must be something significant for writers. Therefore, I seriously want to uncover the life he has. Famous novelist and scriptwriter as he is, what I am sure is that he must have a very simple and easy life not like other celebrities. I really want to find out whether I am right or not.

I am a guy who likes telling stories to others, and to be a writer used to be my dream while I was in middle school. I was defeated by reality, but if possible, to be a part-time one is also what I want to do. If meeting him, I will certainly have many questions about his works. If he would like to give me some suggestions of becoming a writer, I will be moved into tears.







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