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雅思口语话题及范文:Describe a TV documentary you watched that was particularly interesting.

2022-06-10 10:06:09        来源:中国教育在线

雅思口语话题及范文:Describe a TV documentary you watched that was particularly interesting.

雅思口语话题及范文:Describe a TV documentary you watched that was particularly interesting.


Describe a TV documentary you watched that was particularly interesting.

You should say:

what the documentary was about

why you decided to watch it

what you learnt during the documentary

and explain why the TV documentary was particularly interesting.








The TV documentary that was particularly interesting and left a deep impression on me was called The Whole Life of Zhang Xiao which was about the toilsome but brilliant life of Zhang Xiao who was an artist of paper art. It was last year when I watched this TV documentary in my house.

One of my intimate friends, Jasmine Liu recommended me to watch the TV documentary, saying that this documentary would provide me with certain enlightenment and I must enjoy it. Therefore, I decided to watch it without giving a second thought since Jasmine knew who I was and what I appreciated.

During the documentary, I learned that everyone's life might encounter certain frustration and some difficulties which are nothing but to make us stronger and more self-confident. On top of that, the reason why I thought this documentary was particularly interesting to me was that I also realised how crucial persistence was after knowing Zhang Xiao's great fortitude, her outstanding works of art and her charitable work. Moreover, the voice of the narrator was also attractive to the audience, and the pictures shown during the documentary also provided the audience with a strong visual and audio effect.

Accordingly, even now I really appreciate this TV documentary and sincerely hope the spirit of Zhang Xiao can be delivered to more people.


我的一个亲密朋友,Jasmine Liu推荐我看这部电视纪录片,说这部纪录片会给我一些启示,我必须好好享受。因此,我决定毫不犹豫地看它,因为茉莉知道我是谁,知道我欣赏什么。





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