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雅思口语范文advertisement part1

2022-06-22 15:08:16        来源:中国教育在线

雅思口语范文advertisement part1,今天中国教育在线就来为大家分析这个问题。雅思口语范文advertisement part1

雅思口语范文advertisement part1

Are you interested in watching TV advertisements or internet advertisements?你更喜欢看电视广告还是互联网广告?

If I had to choose,it would be the internet ones.At least in China,there are fewer restrictions on the internet compared to TV.This means they often adopt bolder scripts,lines,and pictures.Of course,there are many rudimentary contents,but from time to time,you can find some innovative and attractive ones.


What kinds of advertisements do you dislike?你不喜欢哪种广告?

Those involving celebrities.No matter how big a company is,it has an upper limit on its advertising budget.If the boss and director decide to hire some superstars,money left for other parts,such as the originality,filming,and props,will be pretty marginal.As a result,the final work is often very crude.


Do you share advertisements with others?你会跟其他人分享广告吗?

Yes,I do,but I only share funny ones and those providing helpful information.Although I wouldn’t say I like most advertisements,I have to admit that some of them are quite hilarious,and I do not even realize they are promoting something until the last moment.Under this circumstance,I would like to share the joy with my friends.Moreover,if I know my friends or family members are considering buying something,I would also share relevant advertisements for their reference.


Do you want to work in advertising in the future?你未来想要在广告行业工作吗?

No,I do not.As far as I am concerned,the advertising industry needs people who can come up with innovative ideas and think out of the box to excel in the competitive market.This article is from Laokaoya website.These qualities are quite rare in me,and I prefer to choose a job with clear guidelines.



What kinds of advertisements do you watch?你看什么类型的广告?

I watch social media ads that often appear on applications like Wechat and twitter-like Weibo.They are usually targeted to my interest as there must be some AI algorithms or something like that to cater to our needs.I often buy something through those ads.


Where can you see the advertisement?你在哪里能够看到广告?

Well,ads are literally everywhere in our society.We can see ads printed on public transportations such as the subway and bus as those are the places that have the most traffic.Besides,this article is from Laokaoya website.we can see ads popped up on our phone applications.They are generally selected based on our user footprints.


Have you ever bought something because of its advertisement?你曾经因为广告而买过东西吗?

Yes,I have.Last month,I saw there was a video commercial that advertised the Apple Tag,which is a tracking device made by Apple.I found it quite interesting and would be useful for my daily life.So,I bought it immediately.

有的。上个月,我看到有一个关于APPLE TAGD的视频广告。这是一个由苹果公司生产的追踪器。我觉得很有意思也会对我的生活产生用处。所以,我立马就买了。

Do you watch advertisements from the beginning to the end?你会从头到尾地把广告看一遍吗?

No,not really.Generally,I would skip them as most ads are boring.You know,they just repeat keep talking and talking without nice plots.But,if there’s something that triggers my interest,I would watch it thoroughly.




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