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雅思口语范文part1 colors

2022-06-22 16:16:02        来源:中国教育在线

雅思口语范文part1 colors,今天中国教育在线就来为大家分析这个问题。雅思口语范文part1 colors

雅思口语范文part1 colors

Part 1


1.What's your favorite colour?

Definitely black.I think it's really posh and stylish.What's more,the color black goes well with almost everything.I mean you can't go wrong wearing black.It's an elegant color,too.It goes pretty much with everything you can wear.

2.Do you prefer dark colours or bright colours?

I prefer bright colors because they are uplifting.They draw the eyes attention but I have to use them sparingly,because people get dizzy looking at them,for example,if I wear neon yellow sneakers,I will pair them with black pants.Or if I carry a pink handbag,I will match it with a white dress.

3.Were colours important to you when you were a child?

Yes,they were.One of my favorite activities growing up was to play with my crayons.I loved drawing Barbie wearing a pink dress,or a spider man wearing his red and blue suit.It was real fun to express my creativity on paper.

4.What colours are the walls of the rooms in your home?

My room is painted in ivory color.When I first painted it,I defaulted to white because I didn't want any strong color in the bedroom.But as it turned out,I found it harder to choose white over other colors since there were 20 shades of white…like cream,pearl,vanilla,snow,ivory…



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