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雅思口语sweets and cake话题

2022-06-29 14:49:22        来源:中国教育在线

大家平时喜欢吃糖果吗?喜欢吃蛋糕吗?下面小编我为大家带来了雅思口语sweets and cake话题,准备雅思口语的小伙伴可以准备准备。

雅思口语sweets and cake话题

雅思口语sweets and cake话题

sweets and cake

1.Do you like to eat sweets?

2.Do you like sweets more or less now compared with when you were child?

3.Have you ever tried to make sweets or cakes?

4.Why do people like sweets?

5.Do you like cakes?

6.Do you eat cakes or sweets after the meal?

7.Is there any sweet food in your country?



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