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2022-11-17 16:16:27        来源:中国教育在线


Describe something you do to keep fit and healthy.

You should say:

What it is

When you do it

Who you do it with

And explain why you think this method is important

Part 3

1 How do old people keep fit?

2 How can parents help their children to keep fit?

3 Do you think it is useful for governments to use celebrities to help people raise health awareness?


I run every day.I don’t go to the gym–I dislike gyms–I run.I run for about 40 minutes every morning,and I choose a different route each morning.Well,I have about 4 or 5 routes programmed into a special app on my phone and I choose one of those each morning.I love this way of taking exercise,and it’s not only good for keeping physically fit,but it keeps the mind healthy and alert too.The morning is the best time of day for me to do this,because I always get up early anyway,so I can take a run for about an hour and a half,then come back home,shower,get changed,and go into work.This is my usual routine.It’s great,and by the time I arrive at the office I feel energized and refreshed and ready to start the day productively and positively.

My routine,my method of keeping fit,is effective,because it’s ideal for my lifestyle and my personality.I like a certain amount of freedom and I’m a fan of nature.Where I live is pretty close to two parks and a very scenic area of the city,so when I run I usually take routes through the parks and areas where there are lots of trees and flowers and plants.This,to me,is much better than going to a gym and being surrounded by machines ad technology and depressing walls.So,in my mind combining a love for nature and a morning run,is the best way to get fit physically and mentally,and is a fantastic start to a day.I usually run alone,almost all of the time,actually.But occasionally,a friend joins me.He’s also passionate about running,but usually can’t coincide with my routine because of his job.He joins me in the holidays and sometimes on weekends.But,frankly,it’s fine for me to train alone.I like my own company,especially when running.



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