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2022-12-20 16:14:32        来源:中国教育在线


Part 1


1 What kinds of websites do you usually use?

2 What is your favorite website?

3 Are there any changes about the websites you usually use?

4 What kinds of websites are popular in your country?


1.What kinds of websites do you usually use?

I use a number of websites very regularly.These are usually online shopping websites–two in particular.I buy a lot of things online–from clothes and shoes,to kitchen accessories and food and snacks.

2.What is your favorite website?

My favourite website is one I do not use that often.It's a website dedicated to trainers…to sneakers...you know,sporty shoes.I love trainers.So,when I need a new pair I always go to this particular website which has more unique styles and combinations of colours and designs.

3.Are there any changes about the websites you usually use?

Websites have recently become a lot more user-friendly,slicker,smoother,easier to use and more secure in terms of how they protect your personal data.

4.What kinds of websites are popular in your country?

Just like I mentioned,shopping websites.These are most certainly the most popular websites in my country.Everyone buys things online–it's convenient,reliable and you can buy pretty much anything you need from several online companies.



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