您现在的位置:外语频道 > 雅思 > 雅思口语 > 2023年1月雅思口语新题part2&3:描述一个你遇到的有趣的老人


2023-01-12 16:10:19        来源:中国教育在线


Describe an interesting old person you met

You should say:

Who this person is

When/where you met this person

What you did

And explain why you think this old person is interesting

1 Do you think old people and young people can have common interests?

2 What can old people teach young people?


An old person I met that I really find rather inspiring is the grandfather of one of my friends in my hometown.He’s about 90 something years old now,but still is in pretty good health and his mind is incredibly sharp.I see him fairly often,well,every time I go back to my hometown,which is multiple times a year.What’s interesting about him is that he used to be an actor.A stage actor for theatrical performances.Then he was a director,and since then he has retired.You don’t meet many people like this usually.It’s wonderful to go have tea with him and listen to the stories of his life.He also keeps birds in a huge aviary in his garden.He’s a wealthy man,and lives a comfortable life,in a wonderful house full of all sorts of antique furniture,paintings,sculptures and things like this.Because he lives literally just next to where my parents live,I go to visit him almost every day when I’m back home.He has always made my family really welcome,and we also help him out with all sorts of practical stuff like shopping or repairs that might need to be made to the home and so on.I can’t recall when I met this person first,because basically we’ve known him all our lives–I mean he knew my family since I was born.So,yeah,I guess I’d say I find this person interesting because they have great stories,different things to say than most older people I know,a keen ear for listening to other people and understanding human psychology,and a real knowledge of the arts,which is something I find really interesting and inspiring.



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