您现在的位置:外语频道 > 雅思 > 雅思口语 > 2023年1月雅思口语新题part2&3:描述一个你经常访问的网站


2023-01-13 16:03:07        来源:中国教育在线



Describe a website you often visit

You should say:

What it is about

How you found it

How often you visit it

And explain why you often visit it

1 What are the most popular and the least popular apps in China?

2 Why do some people prefer to read news online instead of watching news on TV?

3 What kinds of people would still go to library to read and study?


A website I visit a lot is basically a sports news website.I’m a big fan of sports,and I follow football,basketball,athletics,all sorts of sports,so I always check a specific sports news website to find out the latest information about what games and matches are on,which new players have been taken on by which teams,who is playing against who,and what the scores are.I’ve always been interested in a range of national and international sports since I was young,and I’m an active sportsman myself,but I must say I am perhaps more obsessed with sports than anyone else I know.I follow almost every mainstream sport and a few other kinds of sports that are a bit less well-known.So,in fact,I follow a few different sports websites,in truth,not just one particular one.I visit them every day,multiple times,I must admit.On my phone,on my laptop and at work sometimes.I always keep up to date with what is going on and I’m also a member of some of the chat forums on the websites.You know,where you can chat with other fans and share insights and ideas and thoughts about the games,your favourite players’performance and stuff like this.I found out about these websites years ago,from a friend at university,I think.I can’t quite remember now,it was a long time ago anyway.I think they are the main websites that any huge sports fan in my country knows about,they’ve been around for decades now.



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