您现在的位置:外语频道 > 雅思 > 雅思口语 > 2023年1月雅思口语新题part2&3:你在重要活动中迟到的经历范文


2023-02-16 16:14:41        来源:中国教育在线


Describe a time when you were late for an important event.

You should say:

When it happened

Where it happened

What made you be late for that event

And explain how you felt about this experience

The time I remember the clearest when I was late for an important event was when I almost missed an exam.Can you believe it?Yes,I almost missed a really important examination.I had stayed up most of the night studying,because I’d left it till the last minute,which is a really bad habit,I know.I had been really stressed out about it,and just kept putting it off...you know,procrastinating a lot,and eventually it was just late,and I sat up most of the night trying to cram all this information into my head.Anyway,eventually,about 4am,I fell asleep through sheer exhaustion,and I woke up about 830am,and realized that I had slept through my alarm clock,and it was the time for the exam to start!I got dressed super-quickly and rushed out of the room,down to the bus stop,caught the bus and arrived on campus at least 20 minutes late for the start of the exam.I got to the exam hall and I pleaded with the invigilator on the door to let me in–which she actually did–although you are not meant to be allowed into the exam hall if you’re late.I sat down,feeling completely stupid,and they gave me the exam papers and I started–having already missed half an hour of the exam!I felt really embarrassed but also even more stressed than I had been before!I felt really terrible.The strange thing is,I actually found the exam quite easy–it was not that hard at all,and I ended up getting a really good grade in it!Can you believe it?I was so lucky that they asked all the questions I already felt confident about answering and knew the answers to.So,that was a huge relief.However,I did not take this experience for granted and vowed to be more intelligent in future about how I manage my time and my studies.So,I’d say I learned to from the experience,at least.



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