2022-02-14 15:35:06 来源:中国教育在线
Describe a useful website that you like to visit.
You should say:·what the website helps you to do
what the contents of the website are
how often you go to the website And explain why you find it useful.
Well,I guess one of my favourite leisure activities is posting on Renren,which is a Chinese website.Actually,it’s really similar to Facebook,but it was started by a couple of Chinese university students.You can invite people to be your‘friends’and then you can chat with them,and share all sorts of stuff:photos,music,videos,gossip,join groups…anything really!I like Renren because I can keep up with what all my friends are up to,and it doesn’t matter if they are in Shanghai or Sydney,so it’s a really good way to keep in touch.The other reason I like it is that you don’t have to send a long email to keep in touch,you can just send someone a smiley face or whatever to let them know you are thinking about them.And the photo feature is great!I mean you get to see all these photos of your friends and you don’t have to wait ages for them to download as an attachment.And you can set up your own page to be quite personal,which I like,because you can be a bit creative.And you can use it anywhere,well anywhere where you have the Internet.So I use it at home on my laptop,or at an Internet cafe,and yeah,I probably use it every day!I would say I’m getting addicted to it!
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