2022-02-14 16:25:00 来源:中国教育在线
2021年12月2日雅思考试机经回忆完整版(4) 关于这个问题下面小编就来为各个考生解答下。
Passage 1
Topic:The importance of business cards
P1 business cards are used in all over the world。in china,students wear business cards which shows clearly their contact number and their address, their parents and grandparents
contact numbers. New York city doesn't use business cards...
P2 China used the business card the 15 century to keep the information. The process of making bushiness cards have more argument. Some toys companies. use bushiness cards when
they sell their products
P3 researches predict that the electronics will not replace paper business cards. Compare the paper business cards and electronic ones,
1. business card was banned in some institutions NOT GIVEN
2. China invented the Chinese business card TRUE .
3. the process of making business card is controversial TRUE
4. toy company use business card boost its sales NOT GIVEN
5. the business cards will decline in the future FALSE
John Kate opinion :
6. using business card can earn trust from other companies
7. computers cannot do this kind of job as business cards.
global situations :
8. one person's. travel time took large part of his business.
9.9. business cards improve the memory of people when they are doing business
G& W(人名) opinion:
11. business card show the status of the person
13. business card should kept as important tradition as innovation
Passage 2
Topic .:Maternity leave
P1 Two young men start a class facing new fathers in new York, because they found it hard to get relevant knowledge from other classes that focused on new mothers.
P2 Women do not have enough days of maternity leave at first, then the days extended. However, most firms to not offer paternity leave to fathers.
P3 on the one hand, women claim that they are the beneficiaries of matemity leave, on the other hand, they claim that they have suffler much.
P4 problems women face during and after maternity leave. For instance, promotion can become very hard.
P5 in order to solve the inequality of paternity and maternity leave, government take policies to encourage mothers and fathers to discuss and decide their days off by themselves, but
the effect is not ideal. Many fathers sil do not want to take paternity leave.
P6 governments take specific measures to force men take paternity leave, like Sweden givesubsidy and Po land make the paternity leave become compulsory.
14. Have cooperation on a global level
15. Why government methods have limited effects
16. Trend in one city
17. Contrast of attitudes towards men and women
18. Measures to encourage paternity leave
19. Problems women encounter
What are the TWO problems does women encounter in maternity leave?
B. There are limited access for part-time jobs.
C. Women find there are less money for the same job after maternity leave
D. Women find it hard to promote after maternity leave.
E. Women are unable to support themselves during maternity leave.
22. The maternity leave in Poland has guotas between men and women, also it becomes
23. compulsory because research found that children can have better 24. development
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