2022-05-17 16:01:54 来源:中国教育在线
雅思口语范文答案解析:Meeting places 见面地点
Where is your favorite place to meet with your friends? 你最喜欢的跟朋友见面的地方是哪里?
Since my friends and I spend most of my time on the campus, the answer would be the east gate of my university. Whenever we organize some collective activities, like watching a movie, having a trip to the suburb, or enjoying a feast at a restaurant, we will first meet there and then set off together.
Do you think there are some places more suitable for meeting with others? 你认为是否存在一些地方更加适合与他人见面?
Yes, of course, especially when you are meeting with someone unfamiliar with the surroundings or for the first time. This article is from Laokaoya website. The meeting place should be noticeable or at least can be located on an electronic map. Otherwise, you may spend an enormous amount of time finding each other, which will inevitably affect your mood during the following activities.
Are there any differences between your favorite meeting places in the present and in your childhood? 如今你最喜欢的见面地点跟小时候相比是否有变化?
As to the specific places, yes. After all, I am studying in another city and living on the campus now. It is impossible to find the same place here. But they do share some characteristics. For example, they should be close to all of us. Back in my childhood, this means at the foot of our apartments, and now they are often the gate of the university, a restaurant, or a cafe.
Why are some meeting places better than others? 为什么一些见面地点比其他的要更好一些?
Because of their noticeable nature and geographical locations. When choosing a meeting place, you should take into account everyone’s position to make sure it is convenient to reach for all of them, or at least the majority of them. Moreover, it must be prominent enough so that even those who do not know the area very well can easily find it.
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