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雅思口语Describe a contest or competition you would like to participate in附答案

2022-05-18 15:54:58        来源:中国教育在线

雅思口语Describe a contest or competition you would like to participate in附答案,想参加的比赛,今天中国教育在线就来为大家分析这个问题。雅思口语Describe a contest or competition you would like to participate in附答案

题目:Describe a contest or competition you would like to participate in想参加的比赛

Describe a contest/competition you would like to participate in

You should say

What the contest/competition is about

Where the contest/competition will take place

When it will be held

And explain why you would like to participate in it


The competition I am going to tell you about is the Top 10 Singers organized by my university.Basically,anyone who has registered as a student and loves singing can sign up.You do not need to have any professional background or pay any registration fee.It is the annual phenomenal event in my university and attracts hundreds of participants.


The competition is divided into two stages.The initial phase involves a one-on-one interview in the classroom.The teachers from the academy of music will be invited as the judge to decide whether you can get into the next round.When there are only twenty candidates left,the competition will be moved to the largest auditorium on my campus,and they will perform in front of nearly 1000 audiences.


The whole process typically takes about two weeks.There will be a university-scale advertising campaign to call on students to sign up in March.This article is from Laokaoya website.Then at around mid-April,the first stage will begin,and the final is always on the last Friday night of the same month.


Ever since I was a little kid,I have been constantly praised for my singing,despite that I have never received any formal training.I always wonder whether this compliment is simply out of courtesy.Therefore,I want to take part in this competition to see if I am really as terrific as they say.




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