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雅思口语Describe a popular or well-known person in your country附答案

2022-05-18 16:29:02        来源:中国教育在线

雅思口语Describe a popular or well-known person in your country附答案,你的国家的名人,今天中国教育在线就来为大家分析这个问题。雅思口语Describe a popular or well-known person in your country附答案

题目:Describe a popular or well-known person in your country你的国家的名人


Describe a popular/well-known person in your country

You should say

Who this person is

What he/she has done

Why he/she is popular

And explain how you feel about this person


The famous person I am going to tell you about is Li Ning,a retired Chinese gymnast,billionaire entrepreneur,and the founder of the eponymous sportswear company Li-Ning.He was also the final torch relay runner at the 2008 Summer Olympics held in Beijing and ignited the cauldron in the Bird’s Nest stadium.


I first heard about his name when I watched a gymnastics competition with my father.After seeing the Chinese athlete make a mistake in the rings and lose the medal,he said nothing like this would happen if Li Ning were on the court.This article is from Laokaoya website.He then told me about his glorious career.In 1982,he won six of the seven medals awarded at the sixth World Cup Gymnastic Competition,earning him the title“Prince of Gymnastics.”He then procured six medals again at the 1984 Summer Olympics.


His legend continues after he retired from competition in the 1980s.He founded a company in his own name,selling sports footwear,apparel,and accessories.After thirty years of development,his firm has grown into one of China’s most prominent sports goods manufacturers and directly competes with international brands like Nike and Adidas.He has sponsored a wide range of Chinese sports games,both renowned and unknown ones,and employed many retired athletes to guarantee their basic life needs.


I admire him because of his unparalleled achievement as an athlete and a businessman.Until now,no other gymnast’s accomplishment can match his record,let alone achieve success in the competitive business world.




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