2022-05-22 15:35:26 来源:中国教育在线
剑桥雅思真题15阅读解析:List of Headings
You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 14-26, which are based on Reading Passage 2 on pages 63 and 64.
Questions 14-20
Reading Passage 2 has seven sections, A-G.
Choose the correct heading for each section from the list of headings below.
Write the correct number, i-x, in boxes 14-20 on your answer sheet.
List of Headings
i Getting the finance for production
ii An unexpected benefit
iii From initial inspiration to new product
iv The range of potential customers for the device
v What makes the device different from alternatives
vi Cleaning water from a range of sources
vii Overcoming production difficulties
viii Profit not the primary goal
ix A warm welcome for the device
x The number of people affected by water shortages
14 Section A
15 Section B
16 Section C
17 Section D
18 Section E
19 Section F
20 Section G
The Desolenator: producing clean water
ATravelling around Thailand in the 1990s, William Janssen was impressed with the basic rooftop solar heating systems that were on many homes, where energy from the sun was absorbed by a plate and then used to heat water for domestic use. Two decades later Janssen developed that basic idea he saw in Southeast Asia into a portable device that uses the power from the sun to purify water.
BThe Desolenator operates as a mobile desalination unit that can take water from different places, such as the sea, rivers, boreholes and rain, and purify it for human consumption. It is particularly valuable in regions where natural groundwater reserves have been polluted, or where seawater is the only water source available.
Janssen saw that there was a need for a sustainable way to clean water in both the developing and the developed countries when he moved to the United Arab Emirates and saw large-scale water processing. 'I was confronted with the enormous carbon footprint that the Gulf nations have because of all of the desalination that they do,' he says.
CThe Desolenator can produce 15 litres of drinking water per day, enough to sustain a family for cooking and drinking. Its main selling point is that unlike standard desalination techniques, it doesn't require a generated power supply: just sunlight. It measures 120 cm by 90 cm, and is easy to transport, thanks to its two wheels. Water enters through a pipe, and flows as a thin film between a sheet of double glazing and the surface of a solar panel, where it is heated by the sun. The warm water flows into a small boiler (heated by a solar-powered battery) where it is converted to steam. When the steam cools, it becomes distilled water. The device has a very simple filter to trap particles, and this can easily be shaken to remove them. There are two tubes for liquid coming out: one for the waste - salt from seawater, fluoride, etc. - and another for the distilled water. The performance of the unit is shown on an LCD screen and transmitted to the company which provides servicing when necessary.
DA recent analysis found that at least two-thirds of the world's population lives with severe water scarcity for at least a month every year. Janssen says that by 2030 half of the world's population will be living with water stress - where the demand exceeds the supply over a certain period of time. 4 It is really important that a sustainable solution is brought to the market that is able to help these people/ he says. Many countries 'don't have the money for desalination plants, which are very expensive to build. They don't have the money to operate them, they are very maintenance intensive, and they don't have the money to buy the diesel to run the desalination plants, so it is a really bad situation?
EThe device is aimed at a wide variety of users - from homeowners in the developing world who do not have a constant supply of water to people living off the grid in rural parts of the US. The first commercial versions of the Desolenator are expected to be in operation in India early next year, after field tests are carried out. The market for the self-sufficient devices in developing countries is twofold - those who cannot afford the money for the device outright and pay through microfinance, and middle-income homes that can lease their own equipment. 'People in India don't pay for a fridge outright; they pay for it over six months. They would put the Desolenator on their roof and hook it up to their municipal supply and they would get very reliable drinking water on a daily basis/ Janssen says. In the developed world, it is aimed at niche markets where tap water is unavailable - for camping, on boats, or for the military, for instance.
FPrices will vary according to where it is bought. In the developing world, the price will depend on what deal aid organisations can negotiate. In developed countries, it is likely to come in at $1,000 (685) a unit, said Janssen. 4 We are a venture with a social mission. We are aware that the product we have envisioned is mainly finding application in the developing world and humanitarian sector and that this is the way we will proceed. We do realise, though, that to be a viable company there is a bottom line to keep in mind, he says.
GThe company itself is based at Imperial College London, although Janssen, its chief executive, still lives in the UAE. It has raised 340,000 in funding so far. Within two years, he says, the company aims to be selling 1,000 units a month, mainly in the humanitarian field. They are expected to be sold in areas such as Australia, northern Chile, Peru, Texas and California.
Questions 21-26
Complete the summary below.
Choose ONE WORD ONLY from the passage for each answer.
Write your answers in boxes 21-26 on your answer sheet.
How the Desolenator works
The energy required to operate the Desolenator comes from sunlight. The device can be used in different locations, as it has 21………….. .Water is fed into a pipe, and a 22………….. of water flows over a solar panel. The water then enters a boiler, where it turns into steam. Any particles in the water are caught in a 23………….. .The purified water comes out through one tube, and all types of 24………….. come out through another. A screen displays the 25………….. of the device, and transmits the information to the company so that they know when the Desolenator requires 26………….. .
Question 14
Question 15
关键词:reproducing, DNA, only
Question 16
关键词:habitat, suffered
Question 17
关键词:exact point
解题思路:本题在文章中的出处比较靠前,理解难度也比较低,是这部分题型中比较友好的一道题目。即使考生在阅读题干时并没有直接理解到exact point在此处暗含着“时间点”这个信息,其实也能在读到文章中相应描述的时候,将原句内容与本题题干进行匹配,从而得出正确答案。
Question 18
答案:genetic traits
关键词:Professor George Church
解题思路:本题的定位难度极低,无论是人名大写信息George Church,还是一模一样出现在原文中的tundra这个词,都能帮考生轻松找到答案句出处附近;同时,题干表述enabled与原文made it possible之间的同义替换也非常明显,由此可知答案应为:genetic traits。
Question 19
答案:heat loss
关键词:physical adaptations, minimise
解题思路:本题的定位与上一道题距离并不远,且题干中的adaptations 在原文中一模一样地出现了,另一个帮助定位答案的题干词minimise与原文中reduce的同义替换表述关系也十分明显,且这两个词都是雅思阅读文章中的常客,考生要顺利得出答案为heat loss并不困难。
Question 20
关键词:thicker hair, reduced size
解题思路:本题与下一题出自同一个答案句,题干中和两个空格形成并列关系的thicker hair是一模一样地出现在原文中的,考生完全可以凭借这个词组定位到大致句中位置,再利用题干中reduced size与原文更为直白的表述smaller之间的对应关系,轻松得出答案为:ears。 如果一定要说有什么困难之处,大约就是本题和下一题的岀题位置跟第19题的出处略有乱序,但是由于三者都处在同一个长难句的范围之内,所以虽然乱序,但答案也相隔不远,并不会对考生阅读和答题造成实质性的干扰。
Question 21
答案:(insulating) fat
解题思路:本题与上一题是并列关系,定位后对比分析题干,即可轻松得出答案为:insulating fat。
Question 22
答案:(carbon) emissions
关键词:reduce temperatures, decrease
解题思路:由于答案出处位置比较集中,所以考生在解答完前面的题目、顺序向下阅读的过程中,很快就能在原文中定位到reduce这个与题干中的decrease同义替换、且在雅思听说读写各科目中都高频出现的单词,进而顺利得出答案为:carbon emissions。
Question 23
关键词:Michael Archer
解题思路:考生解答此题的速度,在一定程度上取决于自身的单词量高低。如果在利用大写人名Michael Archer定位到B段后,在阅读第三句话时认识syndrome“疾病症状”、threaten“威胁”、resident“居住者”这些单词的意思,其实已经能得出“袋狼灭绝以后,另一种本地生物袋獐受到了疾病威胁”这个理解,进而在下一句中从would have prevented这个虚拟语气的表达中得出结论:如果袋狼能在本地复活,其实袋獴就不会受到这么大的威胁,由此可以顺利得出正确答案为本句人名对应的选项B。但是如果并不认识上面说到的词汇,对虚拟语气的意思表达也不够敏感,则可能需要拿出耐心来、多往下再看两句话,也能根据难度更低的词汇和句子大意的表达,得出同样的结论。
Question 24
关键词:Beth Shapiro
解题思路:本题的难度比较高,其中最主要的原因是:Beth Shapiro这个人名第一次出现的位置是在文章的C段中;然而这一段重点表达的意思是“用已灭绝动物的DNA片段和这种动物的近亲物种可以杂交出一种类似但并非完全一样的生物”,完全没有提及“聚焦物种灭绝原因”这个信息。这无疑对考生提升阅读速度、准确理解句子大意、甚至是保持稳定的心态都提出了一定挑战。在此提示考生:做题的本质一方面在于准确对应到正确的答案出处,但另一方面在于当发现所读之处并不对应问题信息的时候,需及时果断做出判定,继续向后文中寻找还未看过的文章部分,而不是轻易产生自我怀疑和动摇,盲目回读之前的内容。当然,这种果断需建立在平时进行语句篇章分析练习、对自己准确读懂句意这一点有自信的基础之上。 而一旦具备了这个自信、判定C段Shapiro所表达的内容与解题无关之后,考生即可迅速去定位这个人名的下一个出处,从而在F段的第三句里找到正确的对应。
Question 25
关键词:Ben Novak
解题思路:本题的难点与上一道题类似,同样是因为人名Ben Novak第一次出现的位置是在A段,然而A段中却并没有任何表述了题干对应信息的语句,所以考生需及时判定并转而寻找下一次的人名出处,从而定位到D段。同时,在定位之后,虽然通过第四句话中trees and branches这个信息与题干中vegetation这个上义下义之间的同义替换,确实能获得强烈的暗示,但要百分之百确定此处为正确答案对应处的话,考生最好还是耐心向下文再多看几句,从而最终敲定正确答案为人名对应的选项A。
Question 26
关键词:Beth Shapiro
解题思路:本题的定位距离同样对应于Shapiro这个人名的另外一个观点表述,也就是第24题的答案出处,并不算很远;考生在定位到本段人名Shapiro和找到24题答案后,只需再耐心确认一下后文的几句话,发现还是同一个人在继续表达观点,原本就应该再向后阅读几句,查对是否还有其他对应题目的表述。本题的难度来自于答案的对应点在全文最后一段的最后一句话里,考生需一直读到此处,才能轻松看出原文中的not enough这个表述正是直接对应于题干里的insufficient,且本段也确实是在说“保护各种各样的物种”这个话题,从而准确匹配到正确答案为C。
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