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2022-05-23 15:01:20        来源:中国教育在线


Some believe that people should not continue to work once they reach the age of retirement 退休. Do you agree or disagree? Give reasons for your answer and include relevant examples from your experience.

Introduction: (Introduce the topic and STATE your opinion. MENTION the reasons supporting your opinion.)


The recent medical advancement has improved human’s longevity, and even after retirement, the elderly people are still living their life positively. Therefore, I strongly believe that older people ought to involve in jobs positively even they reach their retirement age, as it not only helps the retired people to keep healthy but also the whole society can make use of their personal working experience and skills.



Body Paragraph 1: (EXPLAIN reason 1)

Various studies have proved that working can help people to keep their psychological health after their retirement. The reason is that if an individual suddenly stops in engaging in any economical activities, to some extent, he would feel that he is worthless to the society, and go into depression in some extreme cases. For example, studies in some universities revealed that more than half of older inhabitants who had worked in some big companies still have high-effective brains and functioning body, however, most of them are easy to fall sick after they stop all the economically rewarding activities.



Body Paragraph 2: (EXPLAIN reason 2)

In addition, not allowing the retired people to participate in job activities is harmful to the regional economy. Due to the reason is that these elder people have at least three decades of working experience, which, to some extent, they are more productive than young employees. Moreover, training new employees to replace the elderly staffs demand huge economic costs, and this process often consumes several years. For example, some older employees in multi-international enterprises, especially those from administrative regions, are extremely important to the companies and also the young employees, as they have a deep understanding of the internal working principles of the agencies.




In conclusion, if individuals are encouraged to work after they retired from their workplaces, this would not only be beneficial to them but also do good to the enterprises. This would eventually bring economical prosperous to the whole society.




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