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2022-05-24 17:05:29        来源:中国教育在线




In the future all cars,buses and trucks will be driverless.The only people travelling inside these vehicles will be passengers.Do you think the advantages of driverless vehicles outweigh the disadvantages?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.


The statement says that the future vehicles will all be autonomous and that all the people in them will be passengers rather than having some safety drivers.The essay below will show why I believe that the advantages of this new and inevitable technology will far outweigh the disadvantages.

To begin with,I think that one of the biggest advantages is that of the next step in technological advancement that it is forcing.This technology needs to be perfect and cannot have any errors in the code due to the associated safety concerns,and it is driving,so to speak,the next level of machine learning and AL Without it,many current,more everyday things might not be possible,including some shopping apps,VR developments and GPS technology.

The other huge advantages that are perhaps more relevant are the potential elimination of traffic jams and high-speed road travel.Although we are still a long way off having a truly driverless road system,I think that it will mean the end of traffic jams,high-speed road travel,and a huge reduction in CO2 emissions,as I can foresee that these vehicles will be either electric or using some kind of tclean,fuel that hasn't been developed yet.This will also help workers be more relaxed when they arrive at work,boost the economy because of the improved efficiency and improve the environment from not using fossil fuels.

In conclusion,for the reasons I have listed above,I believe that any disadvantages that can be thought of cannot possibly match the short,medium and long term benefits that this technology can bring to us.(272 words)





Vehicles,including cars,buses,and trucks,have transformed the world in all sorts of unexpected ways.They have provided much personal freedom,but in return,they have imposed enormous costs.People working on driverless vehicles normally see their chief benefits as mitigating those costs,particularly road accidents,pollution,and congestion.Driverless vehicles,however,cannot offer all the advantages of vehicles without the drawbacks.

There is evidence that driverless vehicles are safer.They may significantly decrease deaths and injuries from road accidents,even allowing drivers to text to their heart's content without imperilling anyone,as they have superhuman perception and can slam on the brakes in less than a millisecond,against a second or so for human drivers.In addition,to make good use of much lower operating costs per mile,most autonomous vehicles(AVs)are almost certain to be electric,which will lessen harmful emissions of two kinds:particulates,which bring about lung and heart diseases,and climate-changing greenhouse gases.AVs can also decrease congestion.If robotaxis are affordable and fast,people will want to rely on them more.The widespread sharing of vehicles would make much better use of road space

However,AVs come with their costs.With the advent of AVs,unemployment may be widespread,as there would no longer be a need for most professional drivers,such as cars,buses or truck drivers.AVs may also infringe on freedom by invading people's privacy.Robotaxi operators will record their riders'every move,so they will get to know much about them in the end.Furthermore,AVs rely heavily on different systems receiving and sending signals.If the systems are hacked or break down,it may mean unforeseen consequences such as traffic accidents.However,with better understanding of AI and proper planning,such costs may be minimized,and enormous benefits comparable to the progress from horses to cars are awaiting us.

Given the above analysis,it is clear that the benefits of driverless vehicles outweigh the disadvantages.If we put the advantages and the undesirable consequences in perspective,we should embrace AVs around the corner.(346 words)







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