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剑桥雅思9Test4听力Section3答案解析 Kira

2022-05-29 16:45:14        来源:中国教育在线

剑桥雅思9Test4听力Section3答案解析 Kira

剑桥雅思9Test4听力Section3答案解析 Kira

剑桥雅思9 Test4 Section3听力答案解析


对应原文:Yes. And, as I’d already finished a course in it in my country, I thought it would be easier if I studied something I already knew.



对应原文:People expect you to have problems with the process of reading and writing but, in fact, it is more a question of altering your viewpoint towards academic study

答案解析:C选项中,change与alter对应,way of thinking与viewpoint对应,由此确定答案。A选项和B选项则都完全没有提到。


对应原文:Well actually, no. Here, they’re much easier to approach



对应原文:Maybe you found them different because you’re a more mature student now

答案解析:答案的定位不难,主要还是拼写比较麻烦一些。不过这本书的Test2 Section 1已经考察过一次该单词,不知道大家还有没有印象。


对应原文:usually to talk about something in the course that’s worrying them, but sometimes just about something that might really interest them, something they might want to specialise in.

答案解析:听到worrying them意识到答案即将到来,根据并列关系和空后的them确定interest为答案。这里用的是interest的动词文章来自老烤鸭雅思形式,表示使…感兴趣,使…关注的意思。


对应原文:Apart from lectures, we had practical sessions in a lot of subjects. We did these in small groups

答案解析:听到practical sessions意识到答案即将到来。从题干中的疑问词how可以推断出空上应该填某种方式,由此确定答案为in small groups。虽然剑桥雅思后面的答案只给了groups,但在不超字数的情况下,添加修饰词并不算错。

第27题答案:every 2 days

对应原文:Then in second semester, we had to get experience in hospital dispensaries, so every second day

答案解析:听到hospital意识到答案即将出现,题干中的how often提示我们空上应该填一个频率,由此锁定every second day。剑桥雅思书后面给的every 2 days算是答案的同义替换,两者均可。

第28题答案:2 weeks

对应原文:Oh, I nearly forgot, between first and second semesters, we had to work full-time for two weeks in a hospital.

答案解析:虽然how much这一提问方式稍微有些含糊不清。但full-time之后能作为答案的只有two weeks。


对应原文:Yeah, I do feel much more confident, which I suppose is the most important thing.

答案解析:跟26题类似,虽然本书后面给的答案只有confident。但加上原文中much more的限定肯定是不算错的。

第30题答案:education system

对应原文:Well, as I said before, the biggest problem for me was a lack of familiarity with the education system here.

答案解析:一些同学可能会将前面提到的English当作答案。但题干开头说的是in addition to the language,即除了语言之外还有什么,因此排除English。题干中的familiar与录音中的familiarity词性替换,由此确定答案为education system。



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