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2021年9月雅思口语part1 weather话题及范文

2022-05-31 13:57:52        来源:中国教育在线

2021年9月雅思口语part1 weather话题及范文

Part 1 Weather

1.What kind of weather do you like most?

I’d consider myself a cold weather person.I love the crisp mornings(清爽的早晨)at the end of fall and the chill(寒冷)of winter.Maybe it’s because we have to bundle up(穿得很暖和)as the weather turns cold,and I love wearing sweaters and overcoats.

2.What's the weather like in your hometown?

It depends on the season,but most of the time it’s really hot in my hometown.And it’s been getting hotter and hotter in recent year.Maybe one big reason is because of global warming(全球变暖).

3.Do you like the weather in your hometown?

No,not so much.When I was child,I enjoy playing outside with my neighbors.The heat didn’t bother me.Nowadays,I’m more comfortable when it’s cool and cold.

4.Do you prefer dry or wet weather?

l prefer the former since I can be very productive when the sun's up,I'm usually loaded with so much energy to fulfill my daily routine(日常活动).I’m a person whose mood is greatly influenced by the weather,so if it's dry and sunny I can work more efficiently and happily,however if it's rainy I can be as lazy as a sloth(像树懒一样懒).



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