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2022-06-12 11:10:51        来源:中国教育在线


Do you recycle now?Why?你现在会回收东西吗?为什么?

Yes,I do.I often recycle small things such as delivery boxes and plastic bottles for a second use.I do this mainly because I don’t want to waste them,and they are actually pretty useful.


Did you recycle when you were a child?你小时候回收东西吗?

Yes,I did.I remember when I was a kid,there were many merchants that wanted to buy our recyclable plastic bottles.So,I often collected those beverage plastic bottles and sold them to earn some pocket money.This article is from Laokaoya website.I felt that was a nice thing as I did my part to protect the environment and I also got my rewards.


Will you recycle in the future?你未来会回收东西吗?

Yes,I will.I probably won’t recycle those plastic bottles as I did in my childhood because I don’t have much time doing so.But,I think I am going to check out the stuff I’ve bought this year and recycle those that can be reused for maybe another year.




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