2022-06-20 15:49:51 来源:中国教育在线
剑桥雅思6 Test 2 Passage 3阅读答案解析
One of the first great intellectual feats of a young child is learning how to talk,closely followed by learning how to count.From earliest childhood we are so bound up with our system of numeration that it is a feat of imagination to consider the problems faced by early humans who had not yet developed this facility.Careful consideration of our system of numeration leads to the conviction that,rather than being a facility that comes naturally to a person,it is one of the great and remarkable achievements of the human race.
It is impossible to learn the sequence of events that led to our developing the concept of number.Even the earliest of tribes had a system of numeration that,if not advanced,was sufficient for the tasks that they had to perform.Our ancestors had little use for actual numbers;instead their considerations would have been more of the kind Is this enough?rather than How many?when they were engaged in food gathering,for example.However,when early humans first began to reflect on the nature of things around them,they discovered that they needed an idea of number simply to keep their thoughts in order.As they began to settle,grow plants and herd animals,the need for a sophisticated number system became paramount.It will never be known how and when this numeration ability developed,but it is certain that numeration was well developed by the time humans had formed even semi-permanent settlements.
要了解引发我们发展数字概念的事件的顺序是不可能的。即使是最文章来自 雅思早的部落,也都有其计数系统,即使不先进,也足以完成他们必须执行的任务。我们的祖先很少使用实际数字。例如,当他们进行食物收集时,他们会更多的考虑这是否足够,而不是多少。但是,当早期人类开始反思周围事物的本质时,他们发现他们需要数字的概念以保持思想的井然有序。随着他们开始定居,种植植物和放养牲畜,对复杂数字系统的需求变得至关重要。这种计数能力的发展方式和时间都是未知的。但是可以肯定的是,甚至在人类形成半永久性定居点的之前,计数就已经很好地发展了。
Evidence of early stages of arithmetic and numeration can be readily found.The indigenous peoples of Tasmania were only able to count one,two,many;those of South Africa counted one,two,two and one,two twos,two twos and one,and so on.But in real situations the number and words are often accompanied by gestures to help resolve any confusion.For example,when using the one,two,many type of system,the word many would mean,Look at my hands and see how many fingers I am showing you.This basic approach is limited in the range of numbers that it can express,but this range will generally suffice when dealing with the simpler aspects of human existence.
The lack of ability of some cultures to deal with large numbers is not really surprising.European languages,when traced back to their earlier version,are very poor in number words and expressions.The ancient Gothic word for ten,tachund,is used to express the number 100 as tachund tachund.By the seventh century,the word teon had become interchangeable with the tachund or hund of the Anglo-Saxon language,and so 100 was denoted as hund teontig,or ten times ten.The average person in the seventh century in Europe was not as familiar with numbers as we are today.In fact,to qualify as a witness in a court of law a man had to be able to count to nine!
某些文化缺乏处理大数字的能力并不令人感到意外。当将欧洲语言追溯到早期版本时,其数字方面的单词和表达就很差。古代的哥特语中用来表达十的单词是tachund,而数字100则被表达为tachund tachund。到了七世纪,teon一词已与盎格鲁-撒克逊语言中的tachund或hund互换使用,因此100被表示为hund teontig,或十乘十。欧洲七世纪的普通人对数字的熟悉程度不如今天。实际上,要想在法庭上取得证人资格,一个人必须能够数到九才行!
Perhaps the most fundamental step in developing a sense of number is not the ability to count,but rather to see that a number is really an abstract idea instead of a simple attachment to a group of particular objects.It must have been within the grasp of the earliest humans to conceive that four birds are distinct from two birds;however,it is not an elementary step to associate the number 4,as connected with four birds,to the number 4,as connected with four rocks.Associating a number as one of the qualities of a specific object is a great hindrance to the development of a true number sense.When the number 4 can be registered in the mind as a specific word,independent of the object being referenced,the individual is ready to take the first step toward the development of a notational system for numbers and,from there,to arithmetic.
Traces of the very first stages in the development of numeration can be seen in several living languages today.The numeration system of the Tsimshian language in British Columbia contains seven distinct sets of words for numbers according to the class of the item being counted:for counting flat objects and animals,for round objects and time,for people,for long objects and trees,for canoes,for measures,and for counting when no particular object is being numerated.It seems that the last is a later development while the first six groups show the relics of an older system.This diversity of number names can also be found in some widely used languages such as Japanese.今天,在几种活着的语言中可以看到计算发展初期的痕迹。不列颠哥伦比亚省的Tsimshian语言计数系统包含七组不同的数字单词,这些数字根据要计数的物品的类别不同而不同:扁平物体和动物,圆形物体和时间,人,长物体和树木,独木舟,度量以及在没有对特定对象进行编号时进行计数。最后一种似乎是后来的发展,而前六个组则展现了古老体统的残留。数字名称的这种多样性还可以在某些广泛使用的语言(例如日语)中找到。
Intermixed with the development of a number sense is the development of an ability to count.Counting is not directly related to the formation of a number concept because it is possible to count by matching the items being counted against a group of pebbles,grains of corn,or the counter’s fingers.These aids would have been indispensable to very early people who would have found the process impossible without some form of mechanical aid.Such aids,while different,are still used even by the most educated in today’s society due to their convenience.All counting ultimately involves reference to something other than the things being counted.At first it may have been grains or pebbles but now it is a memorised sequence of words that happen to be the names of the numbers.
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