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雅思口语what is your major范文

2022-06-21 13:38:30        来源:中国教育在线

雅思口语考试中有许多问题会被问及,有的考生虽然回答了,但是不太确定自己的答案是否能够打动考官。本文就来说说:What is your major?这个话题,为烤鸭们搜集了一个范文,供大家在雅思备考时使用。雅思口语what is your major范文

what is your major口语话题范文

问题:What is your major?


As I have been studying on a full-time basis at an English Language School,we have only one subject,namely English for Academic Purposes called EAP.We do reading and writing,practical speaking,and listening by means of cassettes.English is the language of the future,especially in the business world.What I mean to say is that when I am able to communicate well in English,I will not only be able to go and study abroad and improve my qualifications,but also have mastered a very necessary tool for my future career.

雅思口语what is your major范文就分享到这里了,希望能够给各位同学带来帮助,话不多说,赶紧吸收起来吧。



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