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2022-10-28 11:15:59        来源:中国教育在线

Do you like geography?你喜欢地理吗?

No,I do not.I know weather,mountains,and seas possess utmost importance,and even a slight change in geography can have a devastating effect on our lives.But it just cannot arouse my interest.I prefer to devote my spare time to movies,novels,and games rather than studying maps and weather patterns.


Have you ever studied geography at school?你在学校的时候学过地理吗?

Yes,I have.Before I enrolled in high school,geography had always been one of the compulsory subjects.But sadly,I had never been adept at it.No matter how much effort I invested in memorizing countries’locations and their landscape features,I barely passed the exam.


Are you good at reading a map?你擅长阅读地图吗?

No,I am not.I can never match the location on a map with where I am standing.As a result,before the advent of electronic maps,I could easily get lost in alien environments and tourist attractions even with a detailed map in my hand and had to constantly ask for help from the strangers I encountered on the way.


Would you visit a country because of its geographical location?你会因为一个国家的地理位置而过去旅游吗?

No,I would not.Compared to geographical features,I am more into exotic customs,cultures,and traditions.After all,China is a vast country with numerous marvelous sceneries.I do not have to travel to a foreign country to appreciate the beauty of nature.




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