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all children learning history is in school is important雅思大作文课程类范文

2023-01-29 09:52:01        来源:中国教育在线


Some people think all children learning history in school is important.Others think learning subjects more relevant to life is important.Discuss both views and give your opinion.




As the world moves forward at an ever-increasing pace,it is easy to forget about the past.In fact,some people believe that history should no longer be taught in schools as it has little use in modern society.This essay will look at the relevance of history in the school curriculum and whether it should be replaced by other subjects that might be said to be more useful.



Those in favour of replacing history with other subjects claim that the knowledge learned in a history class will not help students in the real world.In a modern working environment,knowing the names of the kings in an ancient dynasty or recalling the date of a famous battle is simply not useful in an office situation where information is readily available online.Accordingly,opponents of history believe it should be replaced by more suitable subjects,such as information technology or economics.



Nevertheless,there are reasons why history has traditionally been a‘core’subject.In the first place,learning history helps us to learn the mistakes of the past and work to prevent them from happening again.Furthermore,history gives context for a culture’s customs and traditions and can either give people a stronger connection to where they come from or help them to question some of their beliefs.



Generally speaking,history is much more than just memorising people and dates.It is relevant on an individual and societal level.




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