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2022-04-29 15:04:40        来源:中国教育在线



Mobile phones and the internet play an important part in the way which people relate to one another socially. Do you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?







Since the invention of the internet and mobile phones, face-to-face communication no longer holds the dominant role in human interaction it once had. Undoubtedly these technical advances have facilitated more convenient and greater amount of communication between people. Unfortunately this has not come without cost.


Obviously the unprecedentedly increased communication connects people more easily. No one can easily manage our various relationships unless we register the Facebook or any other social networking site. Thanks to cell phones, people can contact one another in real time and this significantly boosts working efficiency. Telecommunication also empowers modern people with more independence. For example, children equipped with a mobile phone can be allowed to go further because the parents would feel safe to be able to get in touch with their children at any time. Some school children are even sent abroad for travel or education, and the family tie is partly maintained by such video chatting tools as MSN or Skype.


While we enjoy an instant connection with one another, our relationships are actually getting fragile. Messaging or talking on phone eliminates all non-verbal expressions. However, researchers suggest that body and facial expressions are crucial to relationship as they carry the most significant part of conversation. Therefore, over-relying on the internet and cell phone to interact with others can easily cause misunderstanding, thereby undermining trustworthy relation. Another negative aspect of telecommunication is that people’s personal relationship is interfered in real life. It is typical that people are ready to receive any call any time even when they are at a family get-together dinner table.


To sum up, a new invention does not necessarily mean a good thing or bad. It is neutral in nature. The important thing is that how we utilize it. The Internet and cell phones can definitely be put into good use as long as we do not take for granted that it can totally substitute for traditional way of relating to others.




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