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雅思写作话题及范文:Write about the following topic:Some people think tha...

2022-06-10 15:29:34        来源:中国教育在线

雅思写作话题及范文:Write about the following topic:Some people think tha...

雅思写作话题及范文:Write about the following topic:Some people think tha...

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

Some people think that all university students should study whatever they like. Others believe that they should only be allowed to study subjects that will be useful in the future, such as those related to science and technology.

Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words.








The issue of study orientation of university students has aroused intense debates among the general public. Distinct interpretations regarding this subject have been noticed. Some persist that the freedom to select courses has the highest priority, while others contend that applied subjects associated with science and technology are the only one that college students should learn. Both sides of the issue have reasonable layers.

Those who hold the second statement have their sound reasons. A key point lies in the fact that allowing applied subjects only can offer necessary human capital for economic growth. Economic and social development, especially in those underdeveloped countries, has a huge demand for talents in science and technology. Therefore, university authorities should devote finite financial resources to those applied-oriented subjects as a priority.

Individuals who insist on the first statement also have a strong voice. Firstly, it can be observed easily that the freedom to choose or interest oriented study can motivate students' potentials to a fullest extent. Students' interest in a particular field undoubtedly leads to their passion to explore and investigate, which may bring about achievements in this area. Secondly, such freedom is more beneficial to students' all-round development. It is undeniable that art courses cultivate students' tastes; maths enhances logical thinking and analytical ability; accounting molds patience and meticulousness. Some may refute that these benefits are irrelevant to practical skills that the useful or applied subjects can bring to students. It is, however, no doubt that practical skills without logic, analytical ability and carefulness are detrimental to students' future career.

The discussion cited above demonstrates two viewpoints regarding study orientation of university students. The former focuses on the significance of applied subjects, while the latter concerns about the importance of freedom to choose courses. It is safe to conclude that to choose courses freely is more convincing.







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