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雅思写作电动汽车persuade more people to embrace electric cars

2022-10-10 14:32:18        来源:中国教育在线

雅思写作电动汽车persuade more people to embrace electric cars,那么接下来就跟着中国教育在线的小编详细了解一下吧。


In your opinion,what incentives could be offered that would persuade more people to embrace electric cars?




From my point of view,it is undeniably essential to keep our globe safe from greenhouse gases.It is evident that cars or any gas-fueled vehicle produce these harmful gases.Something has to be done to prevent the greenhouse effect and using electric cars could be a good way of preventing it.



It can be clearly seen that gas-fueled vehicles comprise the majority of the causes of the greenhouse effect.Today,developers have discovered new electric cars that have adequate speed and are equally comfortable.Once these new,innovative cars have been fully charged,it can travel long distances with moderate speed.Despite these cars are slightly expensive,they are undoubtedly prominent for both our health and our planet’s safety.So some incentive measures to make people embrace electric cars should have taken.For this reason,people have to be introduced about how perilous these gas-fueled vehicles are.In this case,governments have a great deal of responsibility to get over that.For instance,the advertisement boards on the side of the roads are one of the optimal places to inform people.In addition,social networks or TVs could introduce aspects of electric cars.Furthermore,petrol is diminishing with great acceleration.Consequently,petrol has a limited source,while electric energy is unlimited that they can be obtained by solar or wind power.In addition,electric energy has limited wastages,but gas has a lot of wastes and one of these wastes is a threat to our lives.



The government can fund the car producers to produce cheap electric cars and transportations.Less tax on electric cars could also be an effective solution as it would arrest more people to purchase them.



To sum up,gas-fueled cars have a lot of drawbacks in terms of its fumes and environmental damage,although there is no marked disadvantage that can threaten our lives in electric cars.Funding,less tax and advertisement can attract more people to use this sort of cars.




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