您现在的位置:外语频道 > 雅思 > 雅思写作 > 2022年9月10日雅思大作文范文:人们购物习惯更多的取决于年龄


2022-10-19 15:46:37        来源:中国教育在线


You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

People’s shopping habits depend more on the age group they belong to than other factors.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words.





备注:该题目的题干中包含的‘more than other’这个结构,等同于最高级‘the most’,因此该题目的表达方式是趋于绝对的,可以按照对’绝对观点’的回答思路来快速应对。即:选择不同意观点,对题目中的年龄层影响因素做一定的认可,但否定它的影响最大这方面;紧接着给出其他同等重要或比它更重要的影响因素。







Shopping is arguably the most common daily routine of people,and a series of factors are at work when people do their shopping.Some people believe that our buying habits are determined by how old we are,but I think it is not always the case.

Most people would be influenced by their personal value and social settings when they go shopping.In other words,with diversified educational background and social roles,people will probably make different purchasing decisions,even if they are from the same age group.For instance,when buying cars,one person may choose a designer car for his pursuit for materials,whereas his peers would go for a new energy vehicle due to environmental concerns,and yet others who believe in simply lifestyle may be satisfied with just a scooter.

Another key factor is finance.Higher disposable income allows people to spend more on luxurious items,while a mediocre income compels people to prioritize basic needs like education,groceries,and clothing.Financial condition not only influences what we buy,but also how often we do our shopping.Lower income individuals would be much more prudent and consider less about renewal and replacement of their daily items.

Having said that,age is also one of the primary factors that impact our buying behavior.A teenager’s purchasing choices often seem much more vibrant and flashier than an elderly person.Meanwhile,middle-aged people would naturally focus more on purchasing properties,houses,or vehicles.However,it would be too simplistic to consider age as more influential than other driving forces.

In conclusion,since it is never straightforward to define people’s buying pattern,the determining factors influencing consumer habits would seem endless and impossible to pin down.Therefore,age is just one of the many equally important factors,including but not limited to personal background and beliefs,and financial status.

(309 words)


arguably adv.可以说是

daily routine日常生活

be at work在起作用

social setting社会环境,社会背景

diversified adj.多样化的

social role社会角色

designer car名牌汽车

new energy vehicle新能源汽车


pursuit for material追求物质

environmental concern环境的考虑

disposable income可支配收入

mediocre adj.中等的


prudent adj.谨慎的,节俭的

renewal and replacement更新和替换

vibrant adj.有活力的

flashy adj.光鲜的

property n.财产,固定资产



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