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the government should spend money in promoting sport and art in school雅思写作7分范文

2022-11-18 14:13:43        来源:中国教育在线



The government should spend money in promoting sport and art in school rather than sponsoring professional sports and art events in communities.To what extent do you agree or disagree?




Some people argue that authorities should invest in sport and art facilities on campus instead of supporting occupational sports or art in society.In my opinion,both on-campus and off-campus sport and art are equally important,which should be emphasized by the government unbiasedly.



It is obvious that investing in school facilities can greatly benefit students’extra-curricular life.Firstly,it will increase students’participation and enthusiasm towards sport and art.By doing sports activities,for example,students’physical fitness and willpower will be cultivated.Similarly,by visiting campus galleries,students could broaden their horizons and consequently improve their views of aesthetics.Besides,in this day and age,students are under huge academic pressure,which means that there should be a pathway for them to release their stress.Undoubtedly,taking part in more sport and artistic activities will be a reasonable choice.In addition,compared with societal professional sport and art events which tend to be sponsored by business organizations,campus facilities need more financial supports from the government.



However,investing money in school by no means that governments should ignore societal sports and arts.In fact,the government could attract more citizens’attention towards professional sports and art events such as local sports clubs and art exhibitions by pouring its funds into them.This practice will also be an effective method to stimulate the local economy because more people would like to pay for watching sports games or exhibitions.Furthermore,the governments’sponsorship in sports and arts can also encourage more residents to take part in these leisure activities.It can boost interaction and communication of the neighbourhood and eventually promote social harmony.Therefore,governments’support is also of vital importance for the development of the community.



In conclusion,it is appropriate that financial budget should be allocated proportionately to both school and society to improve the athletic and artistic amenities,by which they can make life more diverse and colourful.




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