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2022-12-13 14:45:26        来源:中国教育在线




You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

More and more people use computers and other electronic devices to access information.Therefore,there is no longer a need to use printed books,magazines,or newspapers.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words.





这个题目为“观点类”题型,要求考生明确表达“个人观点”,可以分为“totally agree”、“totally disagree”、“partly agree”以及“partly disagree”。




Para 1=题目改写+个人观点

Para 2=支持理由1

Para 3=支持理由2

Para 4=重申观点+理由总结


It is argued that there is no necessity for paper books,magazines and newspapers to exist because an increasing number of people now can gain information through different modern devices.Personally,I totally concur with this idea in terms of convenience and timeliness.

The main reason why I believe hardcopy information is redundant is that it is inconvenient compared to information presented via modern communication devices.For students who are completing research papers,for example,they have to sit in the library,reading journals one by one to find references that can be included in their works.In contrast,if they use their electronic equipment,they can reach a much larger online database where millions of results can appear within just seconds.

Moreover,readers cannot be provided with the latest information if they choose to search for hardcopies of information.Many books and magazines were printed years or decades ago,and so what people read is already out-dated,which may not be useful to them.Meanwhile,newspapers report something from at least the previous day due to the process of printing and delivering newspapers to news kiosks.However,information regarding various themes and topics online is updated frequently;thus,individuals can have access to the newest information.

In conclusion,I am strongly in favour of the viewpoint that people do not need to use printed books,magazines and newspapers any more with the availability of information on the internet.After all,it is not easy for them to find what they want via the publications mentioned above and exposure to up-to-the-minute information is not likely to occur.




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