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2023-01-04 16:18:09        来源:中国教育在线




The natural resources such as oil,forests and freshwater are being consumed at an alarming rate.What problems does this cause?How can we solve these problems?












Humanity’s growing consumption of natural resources has raised an alarm for the whole world,because the consequences will be devastating for the future of human beings.To resolve this issue,both short-term actions and long-term planning will be required.

Obviously,resource depletion makes the Earth environment suffer from a series of damage,such as loss of forest cover,soil erosion,increased flooding,and drought.These problems all contribute to the change in world climate,leading to further concerns like global warming and extreme weather.Due to these changes,the Earth is now at a critical point where the life of all species is in danger,including human beings.Increasing resource extraction does not just lead to environmental problems,but is also associated with social issues such as human rights violations and poor working conditions.These negative social impacts are most strongly felt in regions with low environmental and social standards,including Africa,Latin America and Asia.

In order to continue to thrive on this planet,the international community should join hands towards a common international objective of how consumption,as well as exploitation,can be reduced.For now,it might be necessary to set a limit on the amount of resources,such as water,that can be used for domestic and industrial purposes.In particular,for the regions with high levels of per-capita resource use,they will need to sharply decrease their resource use in absolute terms.In the long run,renewables,such as solar and wind power,can be explored more and utilized to reduce the dependency on fossil fuels.Companies can,for instance,be trained on lean manufacturing,while consumers sensitized on how to adopt re-use,reducing wastage,and recycling techniques.

In conclusion,if humans continue to excessively consume natural resources,we will possibly find it too late to make any difference one day.The lifestyle of individuals and the conduct of business will need to become more sustainable,with collaborative efforts of governments and the public.




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