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2023-02-13 15:41:32        来源:中国教育在线




In many countries,children are becoming overweight and unhealthy.Some people think that the government has the responsibility to change the situation.To what extent do you agree or disagree?


A conundrum besetting young children nowadays is the declining level of their health,such as corpulence.Some people claim that authorities should be responsible for resolving this problem.Overall,I tend to agree with this view.


过去一年出了很多跟健康饮食生活相关的话题,这次也不例外。这次的群体落在"children"的肥胖问题上。总体来讲,政府要负一定的责任。相关话题:Some people think that governments should do more to make their citizens eat a healthy diet.Others believe that individuals must take responsibility for their own diet and health.Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

conundrum n.问题

beset vt.困扰

corpulence n.臃肿;肥胖

There are many fundamental reasons why the government will be better off taking such responsibility.To illustrate,as children will be the main body of future workforce,such health issues are largely likely to incur severe repercussions at the social level,such as a shortage of labour force or a heavier financial burden of healthcare on the authority.In this case,a smart state should take certain precautions to prevent the above consequences by stepping in and utilising its administrative power.

To cope with this issue,certain policies can be introduced to restrict the production of unhealthy food and to forbid relevant advertising targeting at children.In other words,exposed to mountains of junk food and related advertising,children,who are not mature enough to distinguish the detriments of over-consumption of those foods,usually fail to either resist the temptation or realise that certain features and functions of the products advertised have been greatly exaggerated.Then,it is imperative for the government to protect those vulnerable children by issuing the policies or even enacting the law.Besides,it is due to the surging study pressure that young students have developed a sedentary lifestyle.At this point,the government can also force schools to organise more outdoor activities on a regular basis for the purpose of strengthening students'physique.



be better off最好(做某事)

incur vt.招致

repercussions n.(尤指不好的)持续影响,反响,后果

precaution n.措施

expose vt.暴露

resist the temptation抵制诱惑

exaggerate vt.夸大

imperative adj.迫切的

vulnerable adj.易受到伤害的

issue vt.发表(声明);颁布,发出(命令、警告等)

However,that is not to say that such responsibility should be assumed by the government only.More accurately,parents or guardians should also make joint efforts,since government can only put a cap on children's diet and lifestyle to a limited extent.In contrast,parents usually accompany their children,and thus it is more convenient for them to supervise and restrain their offspring from consuming too many fatty and sugary foods or collapsing in front of the television all day.In this sense,parents should also be involved to help children alter unhealthy lifestyles.



assume vt.承担

guardian n.监护人

joint adj.联合的

put a cap on v.限制

In light of the above,the government should be responsible for bettering children's health,and meanwhile parents should also get involved.






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