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2023-03-14 16:01:45        来源:中国教育在线



You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

Organized tours to remote community and other countries are increasingly popular.

Is it a positive or negative development for the local people and environment?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words.




这是一个典型的利弊分析题目,大意为:到偏远社区和其他国家的组团游越来越受欢迎。这对当地居民和环境是积极的还是消极的发展?通过审题我们可以将关键词标出:organized tours;remote community and other countries;local people and environment。很多利弊分析题目的要求都是让考生讨论某个现象的利弊,也有的利弊分析题会非常明确地将分析对象列出来,在这个题目中,利弊具体针对当地居民和环境,而非组团游这种现象。







Package tours to distant areas and communities have gained popularity in recent years due to the beautiful natural landscapes and unique flora and fauna.It is argued that this trend benefits both local residents in terms of increasing financial resources and stimulating employment.However,I believe it can jeopardize the natural environment and the conditions of local people.

The main advantage of package holidays to remote areas is that it makes a significant tax contribution to the local government's budget.As a result,essential infrastructure,such as installing drainage systems or building hospitals,would boost local economy and raise the living standards of local people.Moreover,such development creates more employment in the local areas.Tourists visiting these regions generate a high demand for goods and services,which alleviate unemployment and provide alternative income sources for indigenous dwellers.For instance,local residents can earn a living by selling souvenirs such as traditional handicrafts or accessories to visitors.

However,when too many tourists visit natural sceneries,the environment and its inhabitants invariably suffer negative impacts.Firstly,constructing tourism facilities can drastically change the landscape of isolated regions,meaning habitat destruction for local species.An illustration of this is that local authorities chop gigantic trees to build huge entertainment parks and give way to widened roads.Also,massive hordes of tourists swarming these remote communities severely affect local people's living conditions.Tourists often leave behind plenty of wastes such as oxygen cylinders,leading to littered roads or clogged sewage systems.Without proper measures,the waste disposal problems will result in poor sanitation and disturb the region's ecological balance.

In sum,although the increasing package holidays to remote destinations can be seen as a positive development to individuals,it is more likely to exert negative effect on local environment.Policymakers should ensure that tourism activities have a minimal environmental impact,and such development can promote a stable and equitable economic development.

(318 words)


1.gain popularity受欢迎

2.flora and fauna动植物


4.make a significant tax contribution to做出重要的税收贡献

5.boost local economy振兴当地经济

6.generate a high demand for产生高需求

7.alleviate unemployment缓解失业问题

8.provide alternative income sources提供其他收入来源

9.isolated regions偏远孤立的地区

10.habitat destruction栖息地的破坏

11.give way to让位于

12.massive hordes of大群的


14.waste disposal废物处理

15.ecological balance生态平衡

16.minimal environmental impact最小的环境影响



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