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2023-03-14 16:05:35        来源:中国教育在线



You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

People continue to commit crimes even after being punished for it.

Why do you think this happens?How can crime be stopped?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words.




这是一道犯罪类话题的“two-question essay”。题目意思是:很多罪犯即便是受到惩罚后会继续犯罪。为什么会出现这一现象?如何防止犯罪?对于此类题型的作文,考生需要1)在开头段改写题目,且简要地回答题目中的两个问题,2)主体需两个段落分别回答题目中的两个问题,3)结尾段对主体段内容进行全面总结。



Body 1:原因:a)惩罚力度不够大,b)有犯罪前科的人不能够完全被社会接受

Body 2:防止犯罪的方法:a)加大惩罚力度,b)给前犯罪者提供职业培训和就业机会



Nowadays,it is common that ex-offenders violate the law repeatedly although they have been punished.In this essay,I will initially discuss the reasons for this situation,followed by my suggestions which can assist in preventing crimes from happening.

There are primarily two factors largely responsible for recidivism.To commence with,the sanctions against criminals are not harsh enough.In other words,being punished does not make a huge difference to offenders,leading to the possibility that these people are normally unable to realise the detrimental consequences that breaching the law will entail for victims and society,and such behaviour is likely to be re-exhibited as a result.Additionally,former convicts are not completely accepted in society.People released from prison seem to be automatically judged as those whose character is poor.Their family and friends may not embrace them and employers refuse to recruit them.Therefore,nothing can help them to survive but to re-offend.

To cease crimes,several approaches can be adopted.Firstly,the implementation of more punitive measures is effective.Only when people are truly conscious of their wrongdoing both physically and psychologically can they stop themselves from committing crimes.For instance,a longer stint of community service or jail sentence is respectively appropriate for convicts with minor crimes and serious ones.Secondly,providing more vocational training sessions and job opportunities for those with criminal records is another feasible solution.If they can earn a living independently,having sufficient money to afford accommodation and feed themselves,they are rarely motivated to participate in some illegal activities again.

In conclusion,lenient punishments for law breakers and less social tolerance for previous criminals are the two major two causes of re-offending.However,if severer penalties can be meted out to prisoners and meanwhile ex-criminals are allowed to have a smoother re-entry into the community,crime issues can be tackled.

(310 words)



2.violate the law违法




6.prevent…from doing防止…发生


8.be responsible for造成…;是…的原因


10.to commence with首先



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