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2023-04-11 15:22:11        来源:中国教育在线




Some people think the fittest and strongest individual help achieve success in sport.Some people believe success is much related to mental attitude.

Discuss both of the view and your own opinion.





Human’s enthusiasm to sports and races has never waned,which demonstrates people’s perseverance,struggle,unity and cooperation.However,opinions differ over whether physical strength or mental attitude is of more significance in sports accomplishment.In this essay,both factors will be analyzed and my personal perspective will be presented.


On the one hand,some people opine that success primarily hinges on powerful physical attribute.In fact,in many countries,professional athletes are selected by particular criteria in terms of power,flexibility,strength and so on.In addition to that,they need abundant and adequate power to finish the competition successfully.All champions win the golden medals through earnest and hard physical training,based on the fact that persistent training can promote athletes’skills such as diving,resilience or else to achieve excellent performance.


On the other hand,others argue that it is easy and appropriate to attribute achievement to the talent factor and physical fitness,yet many of the sportsmen have these,so what really sets apart the top winners is their ability to manage their emotions.Emotional intelligence,which is generally known as the ability to identify,assess,and control the emotions of oneself,of others,and of groups.This can be exemplified by 2018 FIFA World Cup Russia which attracted the top tier teams with the best players from around the world.The champion France National Men's football team distinguished from the rest by mental status of its members who could motivate each other to unite and work towards a single objective.


I personally believe that physical strength is a premise to become successful sportsmen,which ensures a good performance but psychological quality,always plays a more determinant role especially in some international games like the Olympic Games where one represents a nation and shoulders tremendous pressure.Only through the intelligent use of balanced emotions combined with the physical talent,can success be attained.





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