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2023-04-12 15:46:46        来源:中国教育在线




Air transport is increasingly used to export types of fruits and vegetables to countries where those plants can’t grow or out of season.Some say it is a good thing,but others consider this use of air transport can’t be justified.Discuss both views and give your own opinion



Some people believe that using air transport to support exporting fruit and vegetables to countries where they cannot be grown or are out of season is a positive development.However,other people argue that this reason is not justified for achieving this purpose.


One the positive side,supporters of this development say that exporting fruit and vegetables with air has opened up markets which encourage positive development for countries.For example,for local farmers in many poor countries,this will be able to improve their income and standard of life qualities if they have opportunity to sell their goods to faraway foreign markets with high prices instead of producing staple crops for local market with low prices or their own consumption.As a result,farmers become more independent and do not depend on government's aid.


However,a negative view to this development is the impact on the environment.As we know that in this day and age one of the biggest problems around world about earth is global warming and burning of fossil fuels in the form oil of plane is one of main factors contributing global warming.To illustrate,over transporting million tonnes of food every day by air transport can make this problem to be more complex.This is because from one flight,air transport can release large amount of Carbon Dioxide and other gases into environment.Consequently,climate change in our earth cannot be avoid if this trend continuous.


To sum up,I would argue that there is no justifications for method of exporting fruit and vegetables with air.Even though many benefits can be taken from this method especially for local farmers in poor countries,saving earth from further environmental damages is more essential.Therefore,for overcoming this problem United Nations should release international trade regulation so that it can control and protect over using air transport.





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