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2023-04-17 15:42:20        来源:中国教育在线



大作文题目:Students from rural areas often find it difficult to access university education.Some people think that it should become easier for them to access higher education.To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.





A disparity in access to higher education exists between rural and urban regions in many countries.This being the issue,equal access to university education for students from rural areas is a priority for governments.It is not only about why but also about how.



Generally speaking,only a minority of university students come from rural backgrounds probably because rural high schools,for lack of qualified teachers and sufficient educational resources,do not adequately prepare their students academically for higher education.Apart from that,as university education is notoriously expensive,there are financial difficulties for rural students because most of them are from poor families.Despite academic and financial challenges,rural students have a significantly stronger commitment to rural development than students from cities and towns.In short,students from remote communities have special needs,so it is only fair to make it especially easier for them to access higher education.



Then,educational leaders and policy makers must consider how to make it easier for rural students to access university education.To begin with,institutions of higher education,including the most selective colleges and universities,have to think about ways to recruit students from rural communities and enhance programs and services to retain those less fortunate undergraduates.As a beginning step,it is necessary for government authorities in charge to help establish partnerships between high schools and universities,thus creating a fast track for more rural students to be enrolled through some special admission process.In addition,governments should make it a policy to reserve a certain percentage of entry into an undergraduate course,even if rural students’academic level is not up to eligible standards required by different universities.



In conclusion,there are measures to make it less difficult for rural students to pursue university studies and there are reasons to do so.As a principle of equality for all,rural students with university intentions should not be left behind.Otherwise,there will be a widening gap between students who are from cities and towns and those who are not.





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