2022-06-24 15:27:34 来源:中国教育在线
Classroom observation and feedback托福听力原文翻译及问题答案,关于这个问题中国教育在线外语平台小编就简单为大家说一下。
一、Classroom observation and feedback托福听力原文:
Narrator:Listen to part of a conversation between a student and his professor.
FEMALE PROFESSOR:Hi Matthew.I'm glad you could come in today.You've been observing Mr.Grabell's third-grade class for your Approaches to Education paper,right?
MALE STUDENT:Um…yes…I go over to Johnson elementary school..you know to watch Mr.Grabell teach the children in class.It's been amazing.I mean I'm just learning so much from just watching him. I'm so glad that classroom observations are a requirement for the education program.I mean it's like the best thing ever to prepare you to be a good teacher.
FEMALE PROFESSOR:Well,I'm glad to see you feel that way,Matthew.You know,that's the goal.So…I've been reading over your observation notes,and I'm quite interested in what's going on—in particular with the astronomy unit he's been teaching.
MALE STUDENT:The astronomy unit?
FEMALE PROFESSOR:It seems that Mr.Grabell has mastered the interdisciplinary approach to teaching that we've been talking about in class.
MALE STUDENT:Oh,OK.Yeah,so like when he was teaching them astronomy…he didn't just teach them the names of the planets.He used it as way to teach mythology.
FEMALE PROFESSOR:Really?so,how did he do that?
MALE STUDENT:Well,some of the students could already name the planets,but they didn't know that the names had any meaning…the stories behind them.
MALE STUDENT:…he introduced Greek and Roman mythology,as a way of explaining, Like you know how like Jupiter's the biggest planet,right,and…how Jupiter was the name of the king of the gods in Roman mythology…right?So since Jupiter,the planet,is the largest planet in our solar system,it's like the king of the planets,like Jupiter was the king of all the gods.
FEMALE PROFESSOR:Oh Matthew,that's a great example!
MALE STUDENT:Yeah…and each student chose a planet,and then did research on it to write a report and make a presentation.They went to the library to do the research.Then they made presentations about the planet they chose.
FEMALE PROFESSOR:So in one science unit,in which the focus was astronomy,the students also learned about the literature of Greek and Roman mythology,used research skills in the library,wrote a report,and practiced their oral presentation skills?
MALE STUDENT:Exactly!!He used this one topic to teach 3rd graders all that stuff…how to use the books in the library…to write reports…and even how to speak in public.Plus they had a great time doing it.
FEMALE PROFESSOR:You know,Matthew,this is just what we've been talking about in our class,and I'm sure everyone could learn something from your experience, You know,Matthew,I'd love for you to talk about this Astronomy Unit in class on Wednesday.
MALE STUDENT:Really?Um…cuz I don't really think I'll have any time to write my paper by then…
FEMALE PROFESSOR:Oh you won't need to write anything new just yet.For Wednesday,use your class observation notes,and explain the things we've discussed today.
MALE STUDENT:OK.That sounds alright.
二、Classroom observation and feedback托福听力中文翻译:
男学生:嗯……是的……我上约翰逊小学。。你知道要看格雷贝尔先生在课堂上教孩子们。真是太棒了。我的意思是,我只是从看他身上学到了很多东西 我很高兴课堂观察是教育计划的一项要求。我的意思是,这是让你成为一名好老师的最好的准备。
三、Classroom observation and feedback托福听力问题:
Q1:1.What is the conversation mainly about?
A.A lesson Matthew prepared for his students
B.A class Matthew has been observing
C.A term paper that Matthew has written
D.A problem in Matthew's classroom
Q2:2.What is Matthew's opinion about observing Mr.Grabell's third-grade class?
A.It will help him become a more effective teacher.
B.It could help improve his study habits.
C.It has improved his public-speaking skills.
D.It may be the most difficult assignment he has had.
Q3:3.Why does Matthew mention Greek and Roman mythology?
A.To identify a topic frequently discussed in third grade
B.To get the professor's opinion about a lesson he taught
C.To make a suggestion to improve the class he is taking
D.To illustrate a technique used to teach a third-grade class
Q4:4.What important skills did Mr.Grabell introduce to his third-grade class?Click on 3 answers
A.Reviewing other students'reports
B.Using books in the library
C.Interviewing their classmates
D.Speaking in public
E.Writing reports
Q5:5.What will Matthew probably do in next Wednesday's class?
A.Hand in his assignment early
B.Try to start a study group
C.Make a presentation to the class
D.Choose a topic for his paper
四、Classroom observation and feedback托福听力答案:
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