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the role of wind托福听力原文翻译及问题答案

2022-06-27 16:09:43        来源:中国教育在线

the role of wind托福听力原文翻译及问题答案

一、the role of wind托福听力原文:

NARRATOR:Listen to part of a lecture in a meteorology class.

MALE PROFESSOR:Now,Earth's atmosphere is sort of like a giant weather machine,right?With air and water being its key components.A machine powered by energy from the Sun.So,we need to consider the role that air,or,more specifically,wind,plays in this machine.So wind is really nothing more than moving air,right?

Now as air is heated,and becomes warmer,it expands,it becomes less dense.When air in a particular area is heated,you get a concentration of warm air,an area of low pressure.Uh,likewise,when you get a concentration of cold air,that air's gonna be very dense,so it's gonna create an area of high pressure.If you have an area of high pressure next to an area of low pressure,the colder,high pressure air will start moving toward the area of low pressure,right?And the warmer air will move away,rising above the cooler air.Okay?Uh,yes,Linda?

FEMALE STUDENT:So wind is actually generated by the Sun?

MALE PROFESSOR:Well,Earth's rotation plays a role,and there’re other factors,and we'll come back to all that,but principally,yes.The Sun creates the temperature differential that creates the areas of high pressure and low pressure that create wind.

FEMALE STUDENT:Um,I don’t get what…how it causes a temperature differential…

MALE PROFESSOR:Right.Good.This'll take us to the role of wind in the climate.The key is that the Sun warms up different parts of Earth at different rates,and to different degrees.Uh for example,at,uh,at sunrise the land heats up faster than the ocean…that’s why you get morning sea breezes.The air over the water heats more slowly than air over land,so during the early morning it's cooler and denser than air over land,so it moves in toward land--a sea breeze.

Uh,what else?Um,the Sun's energy is more intense near the equator than it is near the poles.So you've got masses of warmer air over the equatorial regions and masses of cooler air over polar regions and these masses are constantly interacting with each other,which is critically important for Earth's climate.

Uh,one result of these interactions is that equatorial air masses move away from the equator.And in the process,those equatorial winds actually take heat away from the equator and transfer it to some cooler part of Earth.And by redistributing this energy–the Sun's energy,really–winds play a critical role in maintaining a temperature balance from the poles to the equator.

Now winds also help Earth maintain its balance in another way:by transporting water from one part of Earth to another.Water is contained in the air in the form of vapor–mostly through evaporation,mostly from the oceans–and so when the air moves,it carries the vapor with it to some other parts of Earth,where it can deposit it as rain,or snow,some other form of precipitation.

Uh actually,the transfer of heat and water by way of the wind are very closely related…because a primary way that heat energy is transferred by wind is mediated by the process of evaporation.What happens is that a certain amount of heat energy is required to convert liquid water into vapor.So when water evaporates from the ocean,it takes energy to convert that water into a gaseous form,into water vapor.But that heat energy–that conversion energy–doesn't raise the temperature of the water vapor,or of the air.It’s just stored in the water vapor.Then later,when the water vapor converts back to liquid water,that energy is released.

So:when water evaporates,energy's taken from the ocean,and it's stored in the water vapor,in the air.Then the air–the wind–transports the water vapor to some other part of Earth.Then the water vapor converts back into liquid water–it rains,in other words–and the heat energy that was stored in the water vapor is released into the new environment.Okay?

So the transfer of heat and the transfer of water are very closely related.And what's the primary vehicle for this transfer?The wind.So wind is a critical element in the redistribution of both the Sun's energy and Earth's water.

二、the role of wind托福听力中文翻译:














三、the role of wind托福听力问题:

Q1:1.What is the lecture mainly about?

A.Various kinds of winds

B.Theories about recent changes in Earth's climate

C.The role of wind in regulating Earth's climate

D.The role of air in limiting the amount of the Sun's energy that reaches Earth

Q2:2.According to the lecture,what creates areas of high pressure and low pressure in the atmosphere?

A.The rotation of Earth

B.Wind moving from areas over water to areas over land

C.Differences in temperature at different places on Earth

D.Differences in concentrations of water vapor in different parts of the atmosphere

Q3:3.According to the professor,what are two reasons why all areas of Earth are not heated equally during daylight hours?[Click on 2 answers.]

A.Some regions of Earth receive more energy from the Sun than others.

B.The amount of energy emitted by the Sun varies in intensity over the course of the day.

C.The Sun heats stationary air faster than it heats moving air.

D.The Sun heats land faster than it heats water.

Q4:4.What are two benefits of wind mentioned by the professor?[Click on 2 answers.]

A.It transfers water across Earth.

B.It shifts heat from some areas of Earth to others.

C.It helps maintain a constant rate of evaporation of ocean water.

D.It reduces the amount of the Sun’s energy that is absorbed by the ocean.

Q5:5.What does the professor imply about the heat stored in water vapor?

A.The heat is rarely transported by the wind.

B.The heat was drawn from the ocean during the evaporation process.

C.The heat's intensity depends on the altitude of the vapor.

D.The heat loses energy over time as it is stored in the vapor.

Q6:6.Why does the professor mean when he says this:

A.He is pleased that the woman made a good observation.

B.He is grateful that the woman has reminded him of a point he neglected to discuss.

C.He thinks that the woman has correctly summarized what he just said.

D.He thinks that the woman has provided a logical transition to his next point.

四、the role of wind托福听力答案:









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